Several topics I'd like to see on the agenda for V2: --- Related to control plane topology is _topology distribution in general_. Given that some agents will not have a NSI trust relation with others, how do we envision NSAs learning topology? IMO, need to me up with some basic NSI requirements/objectives, and then a reasonable general approach (details can be worked out later). This is important in that it will have a bearing on what local domains will be responsible for managing. The topology management task in general needs to be delegated to the domains themselves - the sooner the better as we will see more early adopters over coming 12 months. --- I would also like to broach the issue of _uni-directional connections_ and how we might approach these and the issue of _point-to-multipoint connections_ in V2. --- We have discussed the STP naming extensions, which addresses some issues in enumeration of STPs and SDPs. But we have not worked through the _"any point" specification/semantics in the ReservationRequest primitive_. Relaxing the single point constraint on the end points is key to resolving some of the exhaustive search issues when hunting for intermediate transit points. --- I think we need a better and more _generally applicable solution to the NAT problem_. Fundamentally, the NSI high level protocol should be able to send messages back and forth to recognized NSAs at will, regardless of their NAT situation. If a RA NSA can send an unsolicited NSI message to a PA NSA, then the PA should be able to do likewise to the RA NSA. The NAT issue affects messaging both ways and should not be an NSI concern. I think there are ways to address this situation that may not need NSI protocol machinations - and may not require MTL special handling either. Maybe this is part of the UNI discussion? Thanks! Jerry On 2/21/12 10:36 AM, John MacAuley wrote:
I would also like to add a signalling/control plane topology discussion to the list. i have a slide package we can use to discuss the topic of finding a messaging path for your reservation request.
On 2012-02-20, at 4:28 AM, Guy Roberts wrote:
I have enabled editing. Guy *From:*Inder Monga [mailto:imonga@es.net] *Sent:*17 February 2012 22:14 *To:*Guy Roberts *Subject:*Re: [Nsi-wg] Agenda for NSI workshop in Oxford I couldn't edit it - but would like to discuss how applications and users will use NSI. Will they have to have NSAs?
Guy Roberts wrote: Hello All, I have created a template to help us prepare an agenda for our face-to-face meeting in Oxford, this is available here on google docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y0a3X66qAoXRaXyDxGy-xiL_aIfidVaIJP1-_aKc... Could everyone please take a look and add any topics that you would like to discuss relating to v2.0 issues? This agenda will be reviewed on the next NSI call. Guy _____________________________________________________________________ ** Guy Roberts, PhD Network Engineering & Planning * * Tel: +44 (0)1223 371300 * * City House Direct: +44 (0)1223 371316 * 126-130 Hills Road Fax: +44 (0)1223 371371 * Cambridge * CB2 1PQ E-mail:guy.roberts@dante.net <mailto:guy.roberts@dante.org.uk> D A N T E United Kingdom WWW: http://www.dante.net _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ nsi-wg mailing list nsi-wg@ogf.org <mailto:nsi-wg@ogf.org> https://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/nsi-wg
-- Inder Monga 510-486-6531 http://www.es.net Follow us on Twitter:ESnetUpdates/Twitter <http://bit.ly/bisCAd> Visit our blog:ESnetUpdatesBlog <http://bit.ly/9lSTO3>
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