Several topics I'd like to see on the agenda for V2:

--- Related to control plane topology is topology distribution in general.   Given that some agents will not have a NSI trust relation with others, how do we envision NSAs learning topology?   IMO, need to me up with some basic NSI requirements/objectives, and then a reasonable general approach (details can be worked out later).   This is important in that it will have a bearing on what local domains will be responsible for managing.   The topology management task in general needs to be delegated to the domains themselves - the sooner the better as we will see more early adopters over coming 12 months.

--- I would also like to broach the issue of uni-directional connections and how we might approach these and the issue of point-to-multipoint connections in V2. 

--- We have discussed the STP naming extensions, which addresses some issues in enumeration of STPs and SDPs.  But we have not worked through the "any point" specification/semantics in the ReservationRequest primitive.  Relaxing the single point constraint on the end points is key to resolving some of the exhaustive search issues when hunting for intermediate transit points. 

--- I think we need a better and more generally applicable solution to the NAT problem.  Fundamentally,  the NSI high level protocol should be able to send messages back and forth to recognized NSAs at will, regardless of their NAT situation.  If a RA NSA can send an unsolicited NSI message to a PA NSA, then the PA should be able to do likewise to the RA NSA.  The NAT issue affects messaging both ways and should not be an NSI concern.  I think there are ways to address this situation that may not need NSI protocol machinations - and may not require MTL special handling either.  Maybe this is part of the UNI discussion? 


On 2/21/12 10:36 AM, John MacAuley wrote:
I would also like to add a signalling/control plane topology discussion to the list.  i have a slide package we can use to discuss the topic of finding a messaging path for your reservation request.


On 2012-02-20, at 4:28 AM, Guy Roberts wrote:

I have enabled editing.
From: Inder Monga [] 
Sent: 17 February 2012 22:14
To: Guy Roberts
Subject: Re: [Nsi-wg] Agenda for NSI workshop in Oxford
I couldn't edit it - but would like to discuss how applications and users will use NSI. Will they have to have NSAs?


Guy Roberts wrote:
Hello All,
I have created a template to help us prepare an agenda for our face-to-face meeting in Oxford, this is available here on google docs:
Could everyone please take a look and add any topics that you would like to discuss relating to v2.0 issues?  This agenda will be reviewed on the next NSI call.
      **       Guy Roberts, PhD     Network Engineering & Planning
    *    *                          Tel:    +44 (0)1223 371300
   *      *    City House           Direct: +44 (0)1223 371316
   *           126-130 Hills Road   Fax:    +44 (0)1223 371371
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