Hi all- I am glad to announce the GLIF Performance Verification Task Force is [finally] getting underway. The GLIF PV architectures task force was established at the September 2011 GLIF workshop in Rio de Janiero. The intent was to begin defining an architecture for performance verification and fault localization related to emerging light path services. This neccessarilly will include a host of related issues. The objective is a summary statement of recommendation on how such capabilities may be designed and deployed in emerging OLE and hybrid environments. --- Attached you will find the task force charter alluding to our purpose and direction. --- A mailing list has been created: *glif-pv@nordu.net* Interested individuals may subscribe in the normal listserve fashion, or you may go to http://listsrv.nordu.net/cgi-bin/wa?A0=GLIF-PV to register and subscribe. --- We will begin regular conference calls soon... We will allow folks a chance to subscribe to the list and then schedule the first call via the list. --- The co-chairs are Steve Wolff (Internet2) and Jerry Sobieski (NORDUnet). We look forward to the discussions! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thanks! Jerry Jerry Sobieski Director, Int'l Research Initiatives NORDUnet Skype: jerry.sobieski Mobile: +1-301-346-1849 Email: jerry@nordu.net