We had a good call today. I edited the strawman doc based on comments as I understood them. I agreed to put details of NSI ad hoc meeting at Internet2 SMM. The meeting is from 4-6 pm Monday April 27 in Washington DC. The agenda depends on who will be able to attend. There is also an ad hoc meeting to discuss dynamic GOLE earlier Monday afternoon of people are interested. Some changes in the attached doc - to clarify distinction between connection oriented and IP net. - to section describing NS, to make clear that a NS is provided by Link, Network or set of Links and Nets - to Functional requirements intro section to descibe additional services that are part of NS - to Functional requirements sections to put some notes on what might be in different sections Guy, Joe, Tomohiro and others will edit doc. Tomohiro will add Reservation section. Guy will add parameter section. Joe will send and edit pass. I will try to get input from NML folks for the naming section We will have next call in 2 weeks - April 15. John