Dear OGF working group and general community members,

Please see the announcement below for the PEARC’17 conference to be held July 9-13, 2017 in New Orleans, taken from its web site. The PEARC conference series combines a number of previously separate and consortium meetings and workshops with the XSEDE annual conference, and incorporates several new elements. all of which should be interesting to the OGF community. As you know, much of the XSEDE software infrastructure as well as a number of other important projects have in the past been based in large part on OGF standards and/or are documented in OGF publications, and we are always interested in helping the community to document, capture and describe the best available practices in advanced computing.

OGF is willing to pursue the option of arranging opportunistic group meetings and proposing workshops at this event to take advantage of the opportunity to meet with each other and our colleagues in the context of this conference. Please contact us at if you would like to arrange a group meeting. For other information about the conference, please see the conference web site at and the information below.

If you have not checked out the released documents recently, please have a look at to look through some of the 14 new OGF publications over the past year. These include eight proposed recommendations that comprise the OCCI 1.2 standard set, as well as updates and extensions to the GLUE renderings and DRMAA 2.2 release. 

For other information on the OGF document process and how to submit your own experimental, informational, community practice, proposed recommendation or full recommendation documents, or take advantage of OGF to form groups to work on and produce such publications, please see the information at the top of the page.

Alan Sill, Ph.D

Senior Director, High Performance Computing Center
Co-Director, NSF Center for Cloud and Autonomic Computing 
Adjunct Professor of Physics, Texas Tech University
President, Open Grid Forum

PEARC17 (formerly XSEDE17)

Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing

July 9–13, 2017 — New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

PEARC17 welcomes all who care about the challenges in using and operating advanced research computing. Organizations supporting this new conference include the Advancing Research Computing on Campuses: Best Practices Workshop (ARCC), XSEDE, the Science Gateways Community Institute, the Campus Research Computing (CaRC) Consortium, the ACI-REF consortium, the Blue Waters project, ESnet, Open Science Grid, Compute Canada, the EGI Foundation, the Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation (CASC), and Internet2. 
Learn more about PEARC and supporting organizations at

Sustainability, success and impact

This year's theme—Sustainability, Success and Impact—reflects key goals for those managing, developing, and using advanced research computing: sustainability of the infrastructure environment, measuring and ensuring success for those organizations providing and using advanced research computing, and impact of the technologies on the workforce and on science and scholarship. 


Call for Participation released  

The PEARC17 Call for Participation has been posted! The Technical Program for PEARC17 includes four Paper tracks, Tutorials, Posters, a Visualization Showcase and Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions. All submissions should emphasize experiences and lessons derived from operation and use of advanced research computing on campuses or provided for the academic and open science communities. Submissions aligned with the conference theme—Sustainability, Success, and Impact—are particularly encouraged.


ARCC 2017 Best Practices Workshop

As part of including additional partners, the fourth Advancing Research Computing on Campuses (ARCC) Best Practices Workshop is being co-located with PEARC17. Presented by Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Research and Education Facilitators (ACI-REF) consortium, professionals involved in operating and supporting campus research computing infrastructure will share experiences and expertise in targeted panels and sessions.


Student support opportunities  

PEARC17 is pleased to be able to provide financial support for some student attendees, thanks to generous contributions from XSEDE and the San Diego Supercomputer Center and through the fundraising efforts of STEM-Trek and Virginia Tech. Support is available to students who contribute papers or posters to the Technical Program. See the Student Program page for details and to apply.