Please see the conference deadlines mentioned below. OGF remains willing to seek meeting rooms and other meeting opportunities for OGF work groups and community groups or for other related activities at these conferences.

Please let us know if opportunities for OGF meetings are available at other events you may be planning.


Begin forwarded message:

From: UCC and BDCAT Information <>
Subject: UCC and BDCAT 2017 Paper Submissions Due
Date: August 30, 2017 at 12:32:56 PM CDT
To: <>
Reply-To: UCC and BDCAT Information <>

Main conference paper submissions are due today for
UCC 2017 and BDCAT 2017.

Out of time? Try a poster or workshop paper.

Conference paper deadlines are TODAY for
UCC and BDCAT 2017!

You have until today,, August 30, 2017 to submit a full paper to the Utility and Cloud Computing or Big Data Computing, Applications, and Technologies main conferences. Poster submission and submission to some of the workshops are still available through mid-September.

Poster and workshop opportunities still available!

You also have until September 15, 2017 to submit a short 2-page poster writeup for work-in-progress or other poster presentation proposals for the UCC or BDCAT conferences:. Many of the workshops for UCC/BDCAT'17 have adopted these deadlines also; check the conference website to be sure!

  • Poster submissions due:  15 September, 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: 22 September, 2017
  • Camera ready final versions of accepted poster 2-page descriptions due: 30 September, 2017

This is an alternative way to present late-breaking innovative work, and a great option for student and hot topic presentations.

Submit a poster to the conferences now!

Check out the available workshop submission opportunities!

Need a visa to attend?

Information has been added to the site on how to request a letter of support from ACM for those who need such documentation to obtain a visa to attend and/or present a contribution at the conferences.

Don't forget student travel award opportunities!

Information has been added to both conference sites for students to apply for competitive travel awards from NSF to attend the conferences.

Visit the conference web sites at and for more information!
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