Forwarding this to all OGF groups as this is a major milestone.

Daffodil is an open source project that implements the OGF Data Format Description Language standard. Initially started as a collaboration between IBM and the US national Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), the community has grown to include a wide cross-section of participants from several portions of the software and data processing communities. The general nature of the DFDL specification allows comprehensive description of arbitrary structured data formats and is useful for building a wide variety of modern data handling tools. 

Please see the detailed links below, and the introduction to DFDL that is available at for further information. Please contact Mike beckerle or join the DFDL mailing list or other lists and forums mentioned below for further details.

Congratulations to the Daffodil developers and to the DFDL group on this milestone!

Alan Sill, Ph.D

Senior Director, High Performance Computing Center
Co-Director, NSF Center for Cloud and Autonomic Computing 
Adjunct Professor of Physics, Texas Tech University
President, Open Grid Forum

:  Alan Sill, Texas Tech University  Office: Drane 159, MS 4-1167  :
:  e-mail:   ph. 806-834-5940  fax 806-834-4358  :

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mike Beckerle <>
Subject: [DFDL-WG] Announcement: Daffodil 2.0.0 Final Release
Date: September 6, 2017 at 12:52:49 PM CDT
To: "" <>

We are pleased to announce the release of Daffodil 2.0.0!

Downloads are available as zip, tar, and rpm at:

Daffodil is the open source implementation of the Open Grid Forum's
Data Format Description Language (DFDL) specification.

Daffodil uses DFDL descriptions to parse data into an XML or JSON
infoset for ingestion and validation. Daffodil can also perform the
reverse, by serializing or "unparsing" an infoset back to the original
data format.

Daffodil 2.0.0 is a monumental milestone that denotes stability and
usability, and is ready for general availability. Major features that
make up this release include:

- Support for unparse with one-to-one feature parity with parse
- New API with native support for JDOM, w3c DOM, Scala XML, XML text, and JSON
- Support for many non-byte size encodings
- Support for xs:choice direct dispatch
- Support for xs:boolean types
- Support for xs:ignoreCase="yes"
- Support for xs:union restrictions
- Many improvements to the DFDL expression language
- Numerous bug fixes and performance improvements

More details of the changes are available:

Daffodil 2.0.0 has also been integrated into Apache NiFi and XML
Calabash, with the source available in the following git repositories:

  Apache NiFi:

  XML Calabash:

Although Daffodil has reached this milestone, active development
continues, with some features not yet available. For a detailed list of
unsupported features, visit the unsupported features and errata pages:

For more information on Daffodil, visit the Daffodil wiki:

For questions and support, the development team is available on the
Daffodil mailing list:

as well as XMPP HipChat:

If you are interested in becoming a Daffodil contributor, visit the
daffodil wiki or the developers mailing list:

For a complete list of all open tickets, visit the Daffodil bug tracker:

Thanks to everyone that has helped to make this milestone possible!

Mike Beckerle | OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | Tresys Technology |
Please note: Contributions to the DFDL Workgroup's email discussions are subject to the OGF Intellectual Property Policy

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