*** Third Call for Papers ***

14th International Conference on
Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2020)

Royal Apollonia Beach Hotel 5*, Limassol, Cyprus

May 20-22, 2020, Limassol, Cyprus


Abstract submission deadline: January 20, 2020
Paper submission deadline: January 27, 2020 (AoE)

(Proceedings to be published by Springer; Special Issue in DKE)


RCIS aims to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers and
practitioners from a wide range of information science fields and to provide
opportunities for knowledge sharing and dissemination. RCIS 2020 will
continue paying attention to traditional topics at the conference; in addition,
we solicit submissions aligned the special theme of Information Science in
the Days of Artificial Intelligence. We understand AI in a broad sense,
including machine learning, self-adaptation, logic-based reasoning,
automation, agents and multiagent systems, natural language processing,
etc. RCIS welcomes submissions from the whole spectrum of the information
science field. The list of themes and topics includes, but is not limited to:

Information Systems and their Engineering
• Requirements Engineering
• Software Testing
• Information Security and Risk
• Method Engineering

User-Oriented Approaches
• Social Computing and Social Network Analysis
• User-Centred Design
• Collaborative Computing
• Human Factors in Information Systems

Data and Information Management
• Databases and Information
• Information Search and Discovery
• Conceptual Modelling and Ontologies

Business Process Management
• Business Process Engineering and Reengineering
• Process Mining
• Enterprise Engineering

Domain-specific IS Engineering
• E-Health, e-Government, e-Commerce, ...
• Industry 4.0
• Web-Based Applications and Services
• Smart Cities

Data Science
• Big Data & Business Analytics
• Decision Information Systems
• Knowledge Management
• Knowledge Discovery from Data

Information Infrastructures
• Cyber-Physical Systems
• Web Information Systems
• Grid Computing and Cloud Computing
• Internet of Things
• Pervasive and Mobile Computing

Reflective Research and Practice
• Research Methodologies in Information Science
• Impact of Information on the Enterprise and the Individual
• Lifecycle Models
• Design Science and Rationale

Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium, Posters & Demos will complement the main


Saïd Assar; Marco Bajec; Pericles Loucopoulos; Haralambos Moratidis;
Selmin Nurcan; Oscar Pastor; Jolita Ralyté; Colette Rolland.


Papers shall be formatted according to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP conference
proceedings template (for LaTeX and Word): https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines .
Papers that have already been accepted or are currently under review for
other conferences or journals will not be considered for publication at RCIS
2020. Papers should be in English and must be associated to one of the
following categories:

Technical solution papers (max 16 pages Springer) present solutions that
are novel or significantly improve existing approaches. A technical solution
paper must include a preliminary validation of the proposed solution, and
results must be stated clearly enough so that it is possible to validate them
in follow-up research.

Evaluation papers (max 16 pages Springer) evaluate existing problem
situations or validate proposed solutions through scientific means, i.e., by
empirical studies, experiments, case studies, simulations, mathematical
proofs, etc. The research method must be sound and appropriate.

Industrial practice and experience papers (max 16 pages Springer)
thoroughly present problems or challenges encountered in practice,
elaborate on success or failure with existing approaches, or report on
industrial practice (e.g., methods and tools). A paper in this category shall
provide a clear context, detail the problem or the industrial practice, and
explain the lessons learned.

Work in progress papers (max 8 pages Springer) present relevant
preliminary results across the spectrum of information science. These
papers can either present a novel technical solution, or report on a
preliminary evaluation of a technique.

Please note that the maximum length of the paper includes references, appendices, etc.

The submission site is https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rcis2020 .

By submitting a paper, the authors agree that at least one of them will
register to the conference and present the paper. The appearance of a paper
in the Springer proceedings is dependent on the registration of one author
within the early registration deadline on March 31, 2020.


A selection of the best accepted papers of RCIS’20, chosen by a dedicated
committee, will be invited to submit an extended version of the RCIS paper
to the Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE) journal published by Elsevier
The selection of the papers to invite will be based on the review scores
and arguments, and the potential for extension.


• Regular paper submission deadline: January 27, 2020 (AoE)
• Notification to authors and registration opening: March 15, 2020
• Author registration deadline for all paper types: March 31, 2020
• Camera-ready copy deadline for all paper types: March 31, 2020
• Conference: May 20-22, 2020


General Chairs
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Pericles Loucopoulos, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece

Organising Chair
• Petros Stratis, Easy Conferences LTD., Cyprus

Program Chairs
• Jelena Zdravkovic, Stockholm University, Sweden
• Fabiano Dalpiaz, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Doctoral Consortium Chairs
• Raian Ali, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
• Sergio España, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Tutorial Chairs
• Estefania Serral Asensio, KU Leuven, Belgium
• Ignacio Panach, University of Valencia, Spain

Posters & Demos Chairs
• Elena Kornyshova, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France
• Marcela Ruiz, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
LM Opening