Following the Supernatural Biblical “script” Christian Media calls “Twin Timelines” or “Doubling,” American political developments continue to manifest Prophetic Parallels to ancient Rome – as well as Nazi Germany – in the current immigration crisis at the Southern border of the USA. For many years, Christian Media ministry leader James Lloyd has propagated a prophecy system that shows the ancient set of kingdoms in the Old Testament era seen in Daniel 2 (Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome), are Sequentially Recapitulated in Christian era kingdoms seen in Daniel 7 (England, USSR, Third Reich, and America) in an eerie Prophecy Parallel. Further, the system offers predictability as events in America are still occurring, and can be anticipated by looking at pivotal past episodes. 

Writing in numerous books and appearing in many television broadcasts, bible prophecy figure James Lloyd has successfully predicted, in writing, events including political elections, military clashes, monetary events, and even the length of the tragic BP oil spill in 2010 (he called it at 5 months to the very day). In 1992, Christian Media published a written prediction of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin of Israel – an important prophetic event which was fulfilled in 1995. Many other events have been anticipated on James Lloyd’s radio and TV broadcasts.

The current period – including the confusion surrounding the 2020 election – is now being addressed in the Christian Media printed newsletter CURRENTS, which is exclusively being mailed by the US Postal System (USPS), due to censorship on the Internet.

Christian Media does have Internet video on the subject, but the world’s Internet media censors, under the control of the Spirit of Antichrist during the present Falling Away from the truth, won’t allow us to give you the location of this free video without the website being shut down. Prophetically Paralleling the Pharisees that sought to stop the Apostles from preaching the truth, media interests controlled by million dollar “Christian” corporations (from the Latin Corpse, or dead body), hypocritically deny their supporters access to data that contradicts their “Rapture” narrative, for fear of losing financial support if their misrepresentations are exposed. The Internet location of the underground video on the subject can be provided by texting your name, email, and POSTAL mailing address to 541/930/4440 with the phrase “Era of Antichrist,” or by calling 541/899/8888, and leaving your name, POSTAL, and email address on the voice mail answering device, and Christian Media will surface mail you more information, including the location of the underground Internet website.




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