Even the secular cartoonists have suggested the increasingly intense circumstances of contemporary life in America has something to do the great departure from the genuine Gospel that has occurred with this generation. Unfortunately, the problem is not only the unchurched, it is actually part of the “doubling” of events that is Scripturally predicted to occur – and the Christians are making no moves at all to rectify the dire situation.

So says James Lloyd of the Christian Media ministry, citing the phenomenon he calls “Twin Timelines.” The Bible says “All these things happened unto [Israel] for examples: And they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world have come” (I Corinthians 10:11).

The believers have long forgotten they are actually a form of “Spiritual Israel,” and have blasphemously ceded their chosen people birthright to the Christ rejecting Jewish nation. At the same time, the American Christian prophecy establishment has erected media walls around their constituency, blocking prophecy sent by the LORD to His people. This is a doubling of the parable of JESUS CHRIST who told about a certain man who arranged a great supper, but those invited to the event declined to come, “and they all with one consent began to make excuse” (Luke 14:15), when those invited repeatedly refused, He sent his servants to bring in those usually not counted worthy.

Just as the ancient Jews refused to come to the metaphoric supper with Christ, the Christians are now refusing to look beyond their traditions, but those who are upset at the dreadful state of world events are now responding to the call. Thus, the principle of Sequential Recapitulation is unfolding, and the “church” has eyes, but they do not see. Introductory information on another version of prophecy from the Christian Media ministry, including the Internet location of a special underground video on this Spiritual bondage can be provided by texting your name, email, and POSTAL mailing address to 541/930/4440 with the words “Twin Timelines,” or by calling 541/899/8888, and leaving your name, POSTAL, and email address on the voice mail answering device, and Christian Media will quietly mail you more information, including the location of the underground Internet video website.



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