6h)     3.10 WallDuration, 3.11 CpuDuration
The definition has to make clear what belongs to these durations. Is this only the time the grid job spends actively in the batch system, e.g. running on a execution node? What about time the job spends in waiting in the batch queue, doing grid stage-in/out, sitting in a grid-broker? See the general comment about the definition of a grid job.
Evaluation: Since the Usage Record is atomic, not consolidated or aggregated across the entire grid, the definitions given will stand as written.

Laura F. McGinnis, Project Coordinator
Data & Information Resource Services
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center                         email: lfm@psc.edu
300 South Craig Street, #313                                 voice: 412-268-5642
Pittsburgh, PA  15213                                           fax: 412-268-8200