6i-1)   3.12 EndTime
"The time at which the job completed"
Completed where? In the batch system? In the grid layer? Is grid stage-out included? Maybe there is a need for several EndTime-like properties? The timestamp when the job finished in the batch system, the other timestamp the job completed with e.g. the grid-stageout?
In the case of NorduGrid, "EndTime" refers to the grid stageout as well, as the job is not considered to be completed until its output is off-loaded to a grid-storage and grid-registered. Again, there is a need for unambiguous common grid job definition.
Evaluation: Document needs text to clarify the scope and context. Specification is focused on resource consumption and resource usage logging.

Laura F. McGinnis, Project Coordinator
Data & Information Resource Services
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center                         email: lfm@psc.edu
300 South Craig Street, #313                                 voice: 412-268-5642
Pittsburgh, PA  15213                                           fax: 412-268-8200