Hi John,

We have done a bit of chasing in EMI. OSG has a software project called Gratia (https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Accounting/WebHome) which, according to Brian Bockelman, implements the OGF UR with two storage accounting records, StorageElement (path, space token name, space type, etc.) and StorageElementRecord (dealing with measurements). Philippe Canal is head of the software project, he may be a good contact person.


On 29. sep. 2010, at 11.02, john alan kennedy wrote:

Hi John,

That's a good point.

Do you know where we can find it or do you have a contact person who we can talk to?

Google showed me that they just had a Storage Forum but I didn't find anything on their accounting as of yet.

osg-storage@opensciencegrid.org seems to be a possible starting point.

Did anyone else chase this up?


On 09/27/2010 01:33 PM, john.gordon@stfc.ac.uk wrote:
Perhaps people should look at the OSG one and comment?


-----Original Message-----
From: ur-wg-bounces@ogf.org [mailto:ur-wg-bounces@ogf.org] On Behalf
Henrik Thostrup Jensen
Sent: 27 September 2010 11:55
To: Jon Kerr Nilsen
Cc: ur-wg@ogf.org
Subject: Re: [UR-WG] Ideas for storage accounting record

Hi Jon

On Thu, 23 Sep 2010, Jon Kerr Nilsen wrote:

Just to confirm that EMI is indeed interested in having a usable
definition of a storage accounting record before January...

The EMI data group is currently in the process of collecting
requirements from user communities and storage providers, so not
input from us yet, but I'm certainly hoping for overlap between OGF
EMI work on this topic.
Given the short timespand of getting a record definition ready, I
strongly urge towards getting a rudementary format ready very fast and
then iterating over the format multiple times (as requirements get in
showing the formats to the interested parties to see if it can fulfill
their requirements).

If you wait to start defining the format until requirements have been
collected there will be very little time to work with the record

     Best regards, Henrik

  Software Developer, Henrik Thostrup Jensen<htj at ndgf.org>
  Nordic Data Grid Facility. WWW: www.ndgf.org
  ur-wg mailing list

|Dr. John Alan Kennedy          Rechenzentrum Garching (RZG) |
|Mail:  jkennedy@rzg.mpg.de     Boltzmannstrasse 2           |
|Phone: +49 89 3299 2694        85748 Garching               |
|Fax:   +49 89 3299 1301                                     |