7)       Missing information from the GGF UR
a)      No information is recorded in connection with the original grid job request.  The (part of the) grid job specification request should be recorded in an accounting record.
Within NorduGrid, the complete job description is stored as a part of the job usage record. There are also separate attributes to record the "requestedcputime, requestedmemory, requesteddisk".
Evaluation: While to ?grid job? clarifier on this comment is out of scope, this comment does raise the question of how to handle job requests or reservations. Some sites ?charge? for unused reservations, for example, since a reservation prevents others from using the resource, whether the reservation is actually consumed or not.

Laura F. McGinnis, Project Coordinator
Data & Information Resource Services
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center                         email: lfm@psc.edu
300 South Craig Street, #313                                 voice: 412-268-5642
Pittsburgh, PA  15213                                           fax: 412-268-8200