6k)     3.14 MachineName / 3.15 Host
This is a very batch system specific view, again. The relation of MachineName & Host should be more accurately defined. We assume MachineName here is actually meant to be 'site' or 'computing resource'.

Evaluation: Editor will check archives and clarify.

13)     Concerning Sections 3.14 and 3.15 of the specifications:
MachineName and Host may not be sufficient where, for example, there is more than one cluster at a site. We propose to have an additional element "SiteName" (see also the proposed name change from MachineName to SiteName by Dave Kant, keeping both elements instead of changing names might allow to include more detailed information in the UR, specifying both the cluster name as MachineName and the site ID as SiteName).
Furthermore in some grids the grid resource ID is different from Host, MachineName or SiteName (for example, for LCG/EGEE, computing element IDs such as "t2-ce-01.lnl.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-cms" are used as resource IDs and there may be several (logical) computing elements on a single cluster). Thus there should be an additional element, "ResourceID".
Evaluation: See 6k), above.

Laura F. McGinnis, Project Coordinator
Data & Information Resource Services
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center                         email: lfm@psc.edu
300 South Craig Street, #313                                 voice: 412-268-5642
Pittsburgh, PA  15213                                           fax: 412-268-8200