Hi Andrea,

Sorry I just started to have a better read... not exactly good timing since the meeting starts in a few mins.

I'll put down my questions and comments quickly.

A general question would be should we aim in this UR to have both storage and compute or should we just cover storage and say we can combine with compute via aggregate records?

Some more specific Q's and Comments:

Q - Do you think it would be better to say "StorageSystem" instead of "Host".

You do in the Example given.

Q - Can we re-name from "StorageShare" to something like "StorageSubElement"?
When I hear the word share I get the idea of a certain share of the storage like I get 50%.

Q- I am not quite sure what you mean with:

"The value should be able to identify the share of the storage system, given the storage system property"

Could you clarify - again I start to think fractions when I read this.


Q - do you really mean "just" that dir - not including any sub directories?
    If you mean no sub-dirs can we explicitly state that.

C - If you do include sub-dirs is there a possibility of the sub-dirs breaking out of the hierarchy - I mean something equivalent to a symbolic link.

C - Are there any storage system which don't have this hierarchical approach?


I think the Number of files is a really interesting thing to know but I am not sure if it belongs in the UR

Q - If we just aim to accounting/billing is #files relevant

C - #file is only possible for snapshot URs - if we have a UR which is formed over a period of time the number of files is hard to quantify.

I will start on the rest now (or after the meeting).


On 05/30/2012 08:18 PM, Andrea Cristofori wrote:
The subject contains obviously a typo. The date should be 31.05.2012.


Il 30/05/2012 16:57, Andrea Cristofori ha scritto:
Dear all,

I have updated the wiki pages regarding the use cases. I have also updated the document (attached to this email) on the definition for the UR adding the use cases that we already agreed.
After having seen the result of the pool I suggest we try to have our phone meeting tomorrow at 15:00 CET.

If you have some spare minute please have a look at it, in general please ignore the page layout and the and grammar mistakes at this point. Just have a look to the content and the organization of the material so that we can talk about it tomorrow.


Il 16/05/2012 07:15, Ralph Mueller-Pfefferkorn ha scritto:
Hi Andreas,

I'll be available at the 29th.


Andrea Cristofori wrote on 15.05.2012 17:09:
Dear all,

Today no one was able to join the phone meeting. Next week some of us
will be in New York and can not attend so I suggest we meet again in two
weeks, the 29th of May. Jon will not be able to join because he is
travelling. If other people can not make it I suggest to further
postpone the phone meeting of 1 or 2 days but not later than the 1st of
June. This way we will also have time for another phone meeting before
next OGF.

In the meanwhile I ask you to have a look to the document that I sent
yesterday and give some comment and suggestion. In the next days we will
anyway provide updates but the feedback is very important because in
this way we know if we are moving in the right direction.


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