Apologies... but I've ended up moving today and will not be able to do anything on this. Back on line in the UK in a day or two (I hope) and at OGF next week.


On 5/1/07, Joel Replogle <replogle@ogf.org> wrote:
All - I've updated the TSC doc addressing the responses to public
comments as follows:

version 1.1.1, address the 7 public comments labeled "forwared email
comment #x", except for:
a) Rewording last sentence (or perhaps whole paragraph) of section
1.3 for clarity (from comment #1)
b) clarifying action/response bullets 2 & 6 in section 3 (from
comment #1)
c) adding something to section 2 to clarify we're not trying to boil
the ocean (from comment #5)

Steven Newhouse, the pen passes to you to continue.  Latest version
is attached and on Gridforge at:

To review our actions, here is what Dave sent out:

1) Joel: On Monday to edit Footnotes and typos

2) Steven: On Tuesday morning to address as much as possible.

3) Dave: On Tuesday PM following the GFSG call to take over.

4) Robert: On Wednesday will make a Final pass at whatever is left.

5) Dave will send to Greg for processing.

All the recommended responses to PCs are in the mails sent by Dave
and Chris over the last week. These are the issues we will address in
the document.



Joel Replogle - Manager of Standards, Open Grid Forum
replogle@ogf.org                   http://www.ogf.org

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