[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]

               10th IFIP International Conference on
              New Technologies, Mobility and Security
             24-26 JUNE 2019, CANARY ISLANDS - SPAIN

Submission Deadline (extended): March 16, 2019.

Technically co-sponsored by IEEE COMSOC, IFIP TC6 & IEEE SMCSS

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore®, IFIP Digital Library as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases

In addition, Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts in the following international journals: 
- Ad Hoc Networks 
- Computer Communications, 
- Sensor Networks
- AI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems.

NTMS'2019 is the Tenth IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security that will be held from 24 to 26 June 2019 in CANARY ISLANDS - SPAIN.

NTMS'2019 aims at fostering advances in the areas of New Technologies, Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, Ad hoc and Ambient Networks, QoS, Network Security and E-commerce, to mention a few, and provides a dynamic forum for researchers, students and professionals to present their state-of-the-art research and development in these interesting areas.

The event will be combined with tutorial sessions and workshops. Tutorials will precede the main program, aiming at the dissemination of mature knowledge and technology advances in the field. Two or more Workshops will immediately follow the main conference, offering the opportunity for a more focused exchange of ideas and presentation of on-going research relevant to following tracks (More information and the full call-for-papers can be found on the conference web):

Track 1 : Mobility & Wireless networks
- Beyond 3G, 4G, LTE, and WiMAX Networks
- Wireless Local Area Networks
- Wireless Personal Area Networks
- Wireless Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks
- Wireless Vehicular Networks
- Cognitive Radio Networks
- Satellite Networks
- Self-organizing and Re-configurable Wireless Networks
- Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network Solutions
- Wireless MAC Protocols
- Scheduling Techniques for Wireless Networks
- Wireless QoS Routing Algorithms
- Radio Resource Allocation and Management
- Cross-layer Design and Optimization in Wireless Networks
- Clustering, Topology Control, Coverage and Connectivity
- Cooperation and Relaying in Wireless Networks
- Analysis, Simulation and Performance Evaluation
- Integration of Heterogeneous Mobile, Wireless and Wire-line Radio Access Networks
- Mobility, Location Management and Handover Techniques for Wireless Mobile Networks
- Multimedia over Wireless and Mobile Systems
- Power-aware Architectures, Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless/Mobile Networks
- Wireless Services and Middleware Platforms
- Green Radio Communications
- Measurements, Testbeds and Deployment of Wireless Systems

Track 2: Security
Thematic areas:
- Security engineering. Methodologies, formalisms, modeling, tools, code instrumentation
- Cryptography. Algorithms, protocols, attacks
- Security in distributed systems.
- Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems.
- Light-weight cryptography.
- Information Hiding.
- Steganography
- Privacy and Anonymity.
- Security assurance. Evaluation, testing, formal proofs, certification.
- Quantum Cryptography and QKD.
- Trusted computing. Analyses and attacks, practical applications...
- Surveillance and monitoring. Intrusion detection, monitoring techniques, architectures,...
- Infrastructure. Middleware, proxies, PKIs, AAAs, SSO, credentials...
- Social and psychological aspects of security. User-centered security evaluation, perception of security and threats...
- Security and usability.

Application areas:
- Service Oriented Computing. Platform security, access control, Security of the SOC processes (Negotiation, Orchestration),
Identification of services...
- Cloud computing. Platform security, data protection, software protection, surveillance and dynamic reaction.
- Ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing and ambient intelligence
- Secure system models, development support, dynamic reaction, self-systems
- Embedded systems. Dynamic replaceability, system security assessment, secure system composition, tampering-resistance...
- Security in system evolution. Design for secure evolution, evolution-oriented surveillance, security patches...
- Critical infrastructures. Protection architectures, redundancy and replication, scalability issues...

Track 3: New Technologies & services
- New generation Internet, Post IP and IPv6
- NGN architectures, protocols and services management and delivery
- Web 2.0 applications and IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystems)
- Next generation systems & Service-oriented techniques
- IPTV and content distribution networks
- User-centric networking and services
- multimedia indexing and retrieval
- Personalized access to media systems
- Context/content-aware services
- Smart Homes and E-Health
- Web Commerce & Services, Data models, Web searching & querying
- Web Mining & Web Semantics
- Web service based Grid computing and P2P computing
- Advanced identification techniques (Biometrics, RFID, etc.)
- Virtualization technologies for grid and parallel computing.
- Interactive media, voice and video, games, immersive applications
- Network virtualization, virtual private networks (VPN), and services
- VoIP protocols and services
- Content-based networking: caching, distribution, load balancing, resiliency
- Mobile/wireless content distribution

                              * * * * *
Submission Instructions
Papers should be in English, strictly not exceeding 5 double-column pages (3,000 words), in Adobe PDF format (which is the only accepted format for NTMS 2019).

To access the full list of topics, submission guidelines, as well as venue and travel information please visit: http://www.ntms-conf.org

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and included in IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Paper submission via EDAS

Workshop proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate the quality and importance of the topic, the goals of the workshop, and the size of the interested community.

Proposals should identify one or more chairs and several other individuals willing to serve on an organizing committee and assist with publicity and reviewing.

Proposals should be 2-4 pages and contain at least the workshop description, goals, potential participants and list of organizers.

Paper Submission Due (Extended): March 16, 2019
Paper Notification: April 20th, 2019
Camera Ready Due: 10 May, 2019

Workshop, tutorials & keynotes submission deadlines Submission deadlines:  December 24th, 2018

General Co-chairs
Professor Juan M. Corchado, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Pr. V. Vijayakumar, Vellor Institute of Technology, India

Organization chair
Layth Sliman, EFREI Engineering School, France

Steering Committee
Azzedine Boukerche – University of Ottawa, Canada
Mohamad Badra – Zayed University, UAE
Pascal Urien – TELECOM ParisTech, France
Stamatios Kartalopoulos – University of Oklahoma, USA
Houda Labiod – Telecom ParisTech, France

TPC Chair
Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Institute of Visual Informatics, Malaysia
Mourad Kmimech, ISIMM, Tunisia

Mobility and Wireless Track chairs
Karina Sokolova, Paris School of Business, France
Yessin NEGGAZ, EFREI, France

Security Track chairs
Saliha Artabaz, Ecole Nationale d’Ingenieur, Algeria
Charles Perez, Paris School of Business, France

New Technologies and Services Track chairs
Valentina Gatteschi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Rizwan Iqbal, Universiti Putra, Malaysia

Workshops chairs
Elyes Ben Hamida, IRT, France
Rabiah Abdul Kadir, Institute of Visual Informatics, Malaysia

Keynote/Tutorial co-Chair
José Manuel Molina, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Publicity Chair
Mohamad Badra, Zayed University, UAE

Finance/Sponsor Chair
Ibrahim Hajjeh, Fransec, France