SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award

The Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) invites applications for the 2022 SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award. The award will be presented during the hybrid International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), taking place on October 23-27, 2022.

Eligibility:  Eligible doctoral dissertations are those which present innovative research results related to the combination of semantics, data and the Web, which have been awarded a PhD between January 01, 2021 and June 30, 2022, and which have not previously been nominated for this award. The selection of the dissertation will be based on the originality, significance, and impact of the work. Evidence of such impact includes (but is not limited to) publications at highly selective conferences and journals in the field.

Award committee: The award committee, which will comprise two members of SWSA and a number of external experts, will be the final arbiter in the decision process. The award committee may decide to consult additional external assessors and reserves the right to not award the prize if the applications do not meet the expected quality level.

Award: The award includes a certificate and a 1000 euros payment. One free registration to ISWC 2022 will also be covered.

In addition, IOS Press will invite the winner to publish the dissertation as a book in the "Studies on the Semantic Web" series.

Deadline: Submissions must be submitted via easychair on or before July 1, 2022. 

Application: For details on how to apply, please see http://swsa.semanticweb.org/content/swsa-distinguished-dissertation-award

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Organizing Committee – ISWC 2022 (semanticweb.org)