Call for Participation: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (

November 18-21, 2019  San Diego, CA, USA

The 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine will be held in San Diego, CA, USA November 18-21, 2019  (, we would like to invite you to join this exciting event. We expect to have a very high quality program. The highlights of the IEEE BIBM 2019 program are summarized as below

(1)   High quality technical program: 99 regular papers selected from 543 paper submissions from 2390 authors and co-authors at 39 countries.  (BIBM regular paper acceptance rate has been less than 20% since its inception).    

(2)   26 workshops cover many emerging new research directions in bioinformatics and biomedicine

(3)   3 confirmed keynote speeches 

Prof. Kristin Bennett: Artificial Intelligence for Public Health 

Prof. Pavel Pevzner: Bioinformatics: A Servant or the Queen of Molecular Biology

Prof. Ying Xu: Maintaining Intracellular Acid-Base Homeostasis is Probably at the Core of Cancer formation, progression and metastasis

(4)   poster program etc.

Please register at

The registration package includes lunches, one banquet, the conference proceedings and all the technical presentations (keynote, invited talks, paper presentation), posters, workshops.

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