

OGF20 starts tomorrow in Manchester UK and I look forward to seeing some of you there.


On Tuesday there is a workshop on Evolutions of GRIDs Towards Service Oriented Knowledge Utilities (SOKUs). There’s also a Semantic Grid talk in the eArts and eHumanities - eScience technologies and methodologies in Arts and Humanities research workshop tomorrow (Monday). Other events of interest to many of you include the Dynamic Service Level Agreements sessions on Tuesday and Workflow Sharing on Wednesday.


At OGF 20 we are also announcing the Grids and Web 2.0 workshop which will be held at OGF21 in Seattle, October 15-19, 2007.  This builds on the successful workshop at OGF19 and we will shortly be inviting contributions.


See http://www.semanticgrid.org/OGF/ for more info on any of the above and the preliminary call for contributions for OGF21.


And for those of you who instead are at WWW2007 in Banff, enjoy the Robust Management of Web and Grid Ontologies and Metadata tutorial, which is also on Tuesday May 8.


Thanks (find me and say hello!)


-- Dave