The Charter Informational Section --------------------- Area: Applications [Standards] Name of group: Simple API for Grid Applications Acronym: SAGA RG Type of group: Reasearch Group (RG) Chairs: TBD Secretaries: TBD Email list: Web page: Charter: ------- This charter is the result of a re-chartering of the SAGA Research Group. Focus/Purpose: ------------- Many application developers wish to make use of the exciting possibilities opened up by the advent of the Grid. Application developers, however, have their own agendas to pursue and often cannot spare the time or resources to fully investigate the vast wealth of Grid technologies and APIs which currently exist. They would rather be presented with a simple API close to the programming paradigms and interfaces they are used to. For example, the process of copying of a remote file may involve interaction with a replica location service, a data transport service, a resource management service, and a security service. It may involve communication via LDAP/LDIF, GRAM, HTTP, and GSI, as protocols or protocol extensions. A Fortran application programmer, however, wants to see a call very much like: call fileCopy (source, destination) Although this example is simplified, it illustrates the motivation for our work. The APIs specified by this WG will deliver a similar level of abstraction for a range of basic operations which need to be grid aware. The precise set of operations is to be decided by the WG based upon application requirements and use cases; examples of such operations may be file access, job submission, monitoring or steering. The group will lower the barrier for application developers to make use of the grid by providing a small, consistent API for the operations of interest, the Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA). Scope: ----- The group will build on the results and feedback of the work of the former SAGA RG. As such, it will provide a forum in GGF to consolidate application driven API specifications. The primary goals of the group are two fold: 1) provide general guidlines for application driven API specifications in GGF (security guidlines, common look & feel, interoperability guidlines, conflict resolution, etc.) 2) spawn off focused working groups which will work on API specifications (standard recommendation track) for specific subsystems, such as RPC, CPR, application steering etc. To ensure that the API developments spawned off by this Research Group do not merrily reflect what GGF middleware groups deem useful for applications, but are indeed really application driven, the scope of the research group and its spawned off working groups will primarily be defined by use cases. Simplicity (80:20 rule) and conciseness will be the governing principles for API design. Specifically, the SAGA API does not strive to replace globus or similar middlerware systems, and does not target middlware developers, but solely application developers with no assumed background on Grid Computing who wish to grid enable their applications whilst spending as little time as possible learning new paradigms. Such developers typically wish to devote their time to their own goals and minimise the time spent coding infrastructure functionality. The API will insulate application developers from middleware. The specification of services and the protocols to interact with them is out of the scope of the WG. Rather, the API seeks to hide the detail of any service infrastructures that may or may not exist to implement the functionality that the application developer needs. The RG will, however, actively liase with all grid-middleware groups within the GGF to ensure compatability. The SAGA RG has close historical ties to the SAGA WG, which depends on the work of this RG. In fact, for all practical purposes the SAGA WG can be considered to be the first group spawned off from the SAGA RG. As such, an additional task of the SAGA RG is to support accompany and support the work of the SAGA WG. Exit Strategy: -------------- No clear exit strategy for this group exists, as it is supposed to provide means to continously spawn off focused working groups. However, the group does have a list of deliverables, and should revisit its charter after these deliverables have been completed. Goals: ------ Note: As this charter is a result of a re-chartering process for the SAGA RG, it also contains goals and deliverables which already have been delivered, or are currently in the process of beeing deliverd. The group will produce an informal use case document ("SAGA Use-Case Document") and a informal requirement document ("SAGA Requirements Document"). Both of these documents are the basis on which the SAGA WG will define the initial SAGA API v1.0. In continuation, and broadening its scope, the group will create a Community Practice Document "SAGA API Guidlines", which will define the Look & Feel of SAGA APIs, and describe central paradigms (such as asynchroneous operations and error handling) which should be respected in SAGA API specifications. That document will build upon the experience of the SAGA WG and their initial SAGA API specification v1.0. Further, the group will form, on an ad hoc basis, design teams which prepare the spawn off of dedicated API working groups. The design teams are supposed to - solicit related application use cases - issue an informal use case document - issue and informal requirement document These documents are supposed to guide the spawned off working groups, and to ensure short and concise working agendas for these groups. The formation of design teams is informell, and should always strive to find members from the specific areas of expertiese - i.e. members from the relevant GGF community groups, and members from the relevant GGF standards groups. * Informational Document: "SAGA Use Case Document" - use cases * Informational Document: "SAGA Requirements document" - define exact scope of the initial SAGA API - define target user groups for initial SAGA API - define programming languages to be supported by the initial SAGA API * Informational Document: "SAGA compatability with GGF middleware" This document will survey the compatability of SAGA reference implementations with underlying models of grid-middleware including, but not confined to OGSA. Milestones: ----------- GGF16: - Finalization of "SAGA Use Case Document" - Presentation of "SAGA Requirements document" - Form a "SAGA GridRPC Design Team" - Form a "SAGA GridCPR Design Team" - Form a "SAGA Steering Design Team" - Form a "SAGA Persistency Design Team" GGF17: - Finalization of "SAGA Requirements document" - Form a "SAGA Security Design Team" - Presentation "SAGA Use Case Document for GridRPC" - Presentation "SAGA Requirement Case Document for GridRPC" - Presentation "SAGA Use Case Document for GridCPR" - Presentation "SAGA Use Case Document for Steering" - Presentation "SAGA Use Case Document for Persistency"