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Call for papers:

Due to requests from many authors, the submission deadline has been extended to 5 September 2014. But this is firm, no more extension.

The 3rd International Symposium on Privacy and Security in Cloud and Big Data (PriSec 2014), 3-5 December 2014, Sydney, Australia

Website: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/prisec2014/ 

Important dates:
Deadline for Paper Submission:           
September 5, 2014 (extended, firm)

Notification of Acceptance:                  September 25, 2014

Camera Ready Copies:                       October 15, 2014

Submissions: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=prisec2014

All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society (EI indexed). Selected papers will be invited to special issues of BdCloud in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.

Cloud Computing and Big Data are two emerging paradigms in the recent developments of information technology. Cloud Computing enables computing resources to be provided as IT services in a pay-as-you-go fashion with high efficiency and effectiveness. Big data is an emerging paradigm applied to datasets whose size is beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, manage, and process the data within a tolerable elapsed time.With Variety/Volume/Velocity/Value/Veracity/, Big Data such as medical records need to be protected in an scalable and efficient way.

Information privacy and security is one of most concerned issues for Cloud Computing due to its open environment with very limited user-side control. It is also an important challenge for Big Data as estimated by IDC. In addition, Cloud Computing and Big Data are coming together in practice. As estimated by IDC, by 2020, about 40% data globally would be touched with Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing provides strong storage, computation and distributed capability in support of Big Data processing. As such, there is a strong demand to investigate information privacy and security challenges in both Cloud Computing and Big Data. This symposium aims at providing such forum for researchers, practitioners and developers from different background areas such as distributed computing, cloud computing, big data, database, data mining, information security and privacy protection areas to exchange the latest experience, research ideas and synergic research and development on fundamental issues and applications about security and privacy issues in cloud and big data environments. The symposium solicits high quality research results in all related areas.

This is the third instalment of the symposium, following the successful events of 2013 (Karlsruhe, Germany) and 2012 (Xiangtan, China).

Scope and Topics: 
The objective of this symposium is to invite authors to submit original manuscripts that demonstrate and explore current advances in all aspects of security and privacy in cloud computing environments. The symposium solicits novel papers on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:  


Track 1: Privacy and Security in Cloud

· Privacy modelling in cloud computing
· Privacy correlation between multiple services in cloud computing
· Trust based privacy protection in cloud computing
· Privacy categorisation in cloud computing
· Privacy models for outsourcing
· Privacy preserving data publishing on cloud
· User privacy, service providers privacy and cloud platform privacy
· Privacy requirements engineering on cloud
· Private information retrieval on cloud
· Privacy and security in personal health records on cloud
· Privacy mechanisms in cloud services
· Privacy aware scheduling in cloud
· Security models, levels and scenarios in cloud computing
· Secure identity management in clouds
· Secure data management in cloud computing
· Secure access to clouds
· Remote data integrity protection
· Securing distributed data storage in the cloud
· Data-centric security and data classification
· Cost and usability models related security issues in clouds
· Interaction security between usability models in cloud computing
· Secure Job deployment and scheduling on cloud
· Secure resource allocation and indexing
· User authentication and authorisation in cloud services
· Auditing in cloud computing
· Cloud threat models
· Multi-tenancy related security/privacy issues
· Security/privacy/trust issues in SaaS/PaaS/IaaS
· Secure virtual machine mechanisms in cloud computing
· Vulnerabilities in cloud infrastructure
· Vulnerabilities in MapReduce
· Fault tolerance, exception handling and reliability issues in cloud
· Application programming environment


Track 2: Privacy and Security in Big Data

· Secure quantum communications

· Privacy in Big Data applications and services

· Privacy in Big Data end-point input validation and filtering

· Privacy in Big Data integration and transformation

· Privacy in parallel and distributed computation

· Privacy in Big Data storage management

· Privacy in Big Data access control mechanisms

· Privacy in Big Data mining and analytics

· Privacy in Big Data sharing and visualization

· Big Data privacy policies and standards

· Security model and architecture for Big Data

· Data mining security for Big Data

· Software and system security for Big Data

· Cryptography in Big Data

· Visualizing large scale security data

· Threat detection using Big Data analytics

· Human computer interaction challenges for Big Data security

· Data protection, integrity standards and policies

· Security and legislative impacts for Big Data

· Managing user access for Big Data

· Scalability and auditing for Big Data

Submission Guidelines:
Submit your papers in PDF file at the PriSec2014 submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=prisec2014. Papers should be limited up to 8 pages in IEEE format. Templates can be downloaded here for Word or LATEX. All papers will be peer reviewed by two or three PC members. Submitting a paper to the workshop means that if the paper is accepted, at least one author should register to BdCloud2014 and attend the conference to present the paper.

All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society (EI indexed). Selected papers will be invited to special issues of BdCloud in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.


General Chairs:
Chita R. Das, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Vijay Varadharajan, Macquarie University, Australia

Program Committee Chairs:
Deepak Puthal, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Chang Liu, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Rajiv Ranjan, CSIRO, Australia

Jinjun Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Program Committees:
Cristina Alcaraz, University of Malaga, Spain

Shlomi Dolev, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

Yevgeniy Vahlis, University of Toronto Canada

Guenther Pernul, University of Regensburg, Germany 

Charles Morisset, Newcastle University, UK 

David Naccache, ENS, France

Dieter Gollmann, TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany

Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia

Bibhudatta Sahoo, NIT Rourkela, India

Kartik Gopalan, SUNY – Binghamton, USA

Joanna Kolodziej, Cracow University of Technology, Poland

Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, MIT, USA

Henrik Johnsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden 

Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan 

Biswapratap Singh Sahoo, National Central University, Taiwan

Zeeshan Hameed, QMIC, Qatar

Roberto Di Pietr, Bell Labs, France

Rino Falcone, ISTC-CNR, Italy

Stefano Guarino, Universitą degli Studi Roma Tr, Italy

Abhinav Srivastava, AT&T Labs, USA

Siani Pearson, HP Labs, UK

Changhoon Lee, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea

Nour Ali, University of Brighton, UK

Wei Wei, Xi'an University of Technology, China

Sherman S. M. Chow, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Stefano Paraboschi, Universitą degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy

Ramlan Mahmood, University Putra Malaysia