Don't know how realistic this idea is but...what about doing a demo at OGF21?  It would be good PR for OGF21 and could serve as a sort of dress rehearsal for SC07.

From: [] On Behalf Of Steven Newhouse
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 10:47 AM
Subject: [ogsa-hpcp-wg] SC07 Interop Fest

It’s that time of year again… the sun is out, the holiday season nearly upon us, your thoughts must turn to OGF related work… it must be time to think about HPC Basic Profile interop.


Following on from the ‘proof of concept’ demonstrators from last year, we expect this year to have ‘prototypes’ that are part of many organizations product plans with commitments to ship (or have shipped) HPCP complaint services. Our experiences this year with the published specifications will form the basis of the experiences document (see Glenn’s outline) submitted to OGF to show that these specifications are implementable and being implemented!


To kick start this process I would like to suggest a planning call next Thursday 16th August at 8AM PACIFIC for 1 hour.






Call details: PIN - 2719140

USA: 866 500 6738

I’ll try and supply local numbers if people require them.



1.       OGF IPR Notice

2.       Agenda Bashing

3.       Who will be involved?

a.       Please respond to questions in advance (

b.      Demonstration space at SC07?

4.       Procedure

a.       HPCP

b.      Additional areas for JSDL & BES specifications

c.       Supported security models

5.       Experiences document

a.       Review outline (

6.       Next Call

a.       Every 2 weeks?

7.       Any Other Business