Dear HP Profile WG,
At SC06 there was some discussion on how to further develop the HPC profile and one topic that was mentioned was "data staging".   think you might be interested in the attached memo from the OGSA-Data WG, which addresses how to access data from a job submitted to a BES container.  (Data staging is one way of doing this and is one of the use cases illustrated).
We hypothesise that a profiled use of JSDL with RNS or WS-Naming might be a useful abstraction that enables the use of any of these use cases.  If so, might this be useful for the HPC Profile? 
We will be discussing this memo in our second session at OGF19, at 11.00 on the Thursday.  (This is a change of topic from the printed programme).  We'd be delighted if members of the HPC WG would like to join this discussion.
From our point of view, this memo illustrates some possible use cases for the services and interfaces described in the OGSA Data Architecture.  These use cases will be included in our OGSA Data Scenarios document, which is a companion to the OGSA Data Architecture document.
Best wishes,
Dave Berry
Deputy Director, Research & E-infrastructure Development
National e-Science Centre, 15 South College Street
Edinburgh, EH8 9AA                  +44 131 651 4039