[ogsa-wg] Proposed agenda for Nov. 27th call

24 Nov
24 Nov
5:46 p.m.
Hi all, The following is a proposed agenda for OGSA-WG telecon on Nov. 27th Monday from 4pm to 6pm (CST). The dial-in number for Monday; US: +1 718 3541071 (New York) or +1 408 9616509 (San Jose) UK: +44 (0)207 3655269 (London) Japan: +81 (0)3 3570 8225 (Tokyo) PIN: 4371991 See more information: - https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1477 Screen share service will be provided. URL: http://ogsa.glance.net Session key: 1127 See more explanation: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1584 1) Early discussion (20 min) Note taker assignment Roll call Telecon minutes approval (Nov. 6) - https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14002 Action Items status review (see the bottom of this email) Agenda bashing 2) OGSA roadmap v1.1 update (Chris Jordan, 20 min) revised draft review 3) F2F and SC06 debriefing (20 min) Feedback and impression on F2F and SC06. Minutes approval Documents>Meeting Materials...>Interim Meetings>OGSA-16 - 2006 Nov If you have not yet upload your materials, please do so before the call. 4) OGSA secure channel document final review (Takuya Mori, 30 min) > Takuya has updated the SP - Secure Channel profile as we discussed in the > Nov 2 conference call and has uploaded it onto GridForge. > > OGSA Security Profile 1.0 - Secure Channel: > https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/docman/do/downloadDocument/projects.ogsa-wg/docman.root.working_drafts.security_profile_1_0/doc13560/22 > > The major changes are: > - deleted the references to the NIST guideline document > - added restrictions to recommend the use of recommended ciphersuites > in 3.2.2 > - added non-normative tables which list some insecure and acceptable > ciphersuites in Appendex C > > P.S.: > Takuya has updated the referenced specification tables and have uploaded > the revised one. > https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/docman/do/downloadDocument/projects.ogsa-wg/docman.root.working_drafts.roadmap_1_1/doc13557/4 5) EMS Arch scenarios document review (Andreas Savva, 30 min) 6) Wrap up AOB <*NEXT CALL*> https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1477 Nov. 30 (Thu) Information/data modeling (Ellen and Fred) OGSA workflow (Andrew Grimshaw) Dec. 4 (Mon) <No call> Management Developer Conference Dec. 7 (Thu) <No call> GFSG F2F meeting Dec. 11 (Mon) EGA reference model(Hiro Kishimoto and Paul Strong) Roadmap document (Chris Jordan) EMS Arch scenarios document review (Andreas Savva) Dec. 14 (Thu) Information/data modeling (Ellen and Fred) OGSA security (Alan Sill and Andrew Grimshaw) OGSA workflow (Andrew Grimshaw) <*ACTION ITEMS*> https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1569 > From Nov. 9 pm F2F. AI.11.09.pm-a: Ellen and Tom to write up a "Information Model profile document: BES Container" AI.11.09.pm-b: Andrew Grimshaw to persuade the BES group that the BES spec version used for the interop should be the very one that is returned to the ADs to get published AI.11.09.pm-c: Andrew to produce a document drafting the definition of QoS AI.11.09.pm-d: Andrew to contact the HPCP WG regarding future involvement to create profile(s) on, e.g. BES, JSDL etc. > From Nov. 2nd call. AI-1102a: Hiro to ask whole group by email if it is OK to have one-way (presentation only, no discussion) SML session on future telecon. > From Oct. 30 call. AI-1030a: Ellen will contact the DAIS-WG chairs and request they arrange a review DSP0225 > From Sept. 15 OGSA F2F AI-0915d: Tom will post BP base faults issue to tracker > From Aug. 17 call AI-0817a: Dave Berry and Jay Unger will approach groups (GIN, Globus, etc) that have implemented practical grids and start a discussion on how they handle data: - how data is treated as a resource that can be scheduled - how transfers are modeled - how files are advertised - how applications find files (query, by knowledge,?) (Due Oct. 9) > From July 20 F2F - EGR-WG (Ravi) will contact Geoffrey Fox and invites him to contribute use cases. - Andreas to go through the minutes and formulate a reply mail to Geoffrey on each artifact covered in these minutes. Postponed: Until next reference model call (Nov. 20): AI-1023c: Tom volunteered to review Hiro's HPC Cluster use case slides and make appropriate changes to indicate where the CIM Profile would fit in and how it would link into the Reference Model. AI-1023d: Paul will add more items to list on slide 6 of the HPC Cluster use case AI-1023f: Paul will review relevant OGF specs and give feedback to Hiro for the next version of the use case slide deck. AI-1023g: Hiro will look at other parts of slide 5 and identify further possible refinements of this use case. Until next EMS call (Nov. 2): AI-0914a (Andreas Savva): Integrate the simple Data scenario just presented into the scenarios document AI-0913a: Andreas to update function names of BES. AI-0913b: Andrew to write-up a couple of such JM functionalities (short paragraph for each, e.g. time constraint as JSDL extension.) AI-0913c: Andreas to add another scenario to use this “terminate” method of activity interface. AI-0913e: Andreas to separate un-deployment as a separate scenario. AI-0913f: Andreas to describe relation between ACS and CDDLM. AI-0913g: Donal to provide his proposal on "ActivityExecutionCandidate." AI-0831e: (A Savva) Talk to ACS working group for refining this scenario. AI-0831f: (A Savvva) Research RNS and probably update the EMS Arch Scenarios document ---- Hiro Kishimoto
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Hiro Kishimoto