[ogsa-wg] Proposed agenda for Dec. 14 call

12 Dec
12 Dec
5:24 p.m.
Hi all, The following is a proposed agenda for OGSA-WG telecon on Dec. 14th Thursday from 7am - 9am (CST). ** attention: new international number ** Dial-in numbers for Thursday: Free: +1-888-452-0308 Intl/Toll: +(210) 234-7446 PIN: 71815 See more information: - https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1477 Screen share service will be provided. URL: http://ogsa.glance.net Session key: 1214 See more explanation: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1584 1) Early discussion (20 min) Note taker assignment Roll call Telecon minutes approval (Dec. 11) - http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14057 Action Items status review (see the bottom of this email) Agenda bashing 2) Information/data modeling (Ellen and Tom, 40 min) > > From Nov. 9 am F2F. > AI-1109am-a: Ellen and Tom will review the error code/faults issue > further with a view to put a proposal forward to DMTF. > (EJS) I had short discussion with DMTF person on this and will > close with Tom Maguire on this when I meet with Tom on Tues 12/12. > > > From Nov. 9 pm F2F. > AI.11.09.pm-a: Ellen and Tom to write up a "Information Model > profile document: BES Container" > (EJS) Meeting with Tom Maguire on this item Tues 12/12. > > > From Nov. 10 am F2F > AI-1110am-a: Ellen to look into WS-Policy and relationships to > what has been defined so far > Tom to Look at how to avoid overlap with WS-Policy > group > (EJS) Meeting with Tom Maguire on this item Tues 12/12. 3) OGSA security discussion (Alan Sill and Andrew Grimshaw, 30 min) Very simple one-to-one, OGSA Basic Security Authentication Profile proposal. OGSA-AuthN-WG charter proposal. http://www.ggf.org/gf/group_info/charter.php?review&group=OGSA-AuthN-WG 4) OGSA workflow discussion (Andrew, 30 min) Minutes from Nov. 30th call > - Mark runs the group through the slides "Workflow thoughts" > provided by Andrew, Steve and Mark > - OGSA could either pick a specific Workflow language, and > alienate everybody else > - Alternatively, OGSA could pick none and create a new one, > and also alienate everybody else > - Orchestration and workflow must be separated > - OGF is best served with simplicity > - The proposal is as follows > -- stay away from language and API specification > -- Tightly scope WFDL (Workflow Definition Language) > -- Ensure reasonable mappings from existing systems into WFDL > -- Toos support > -- Reuse as much existing as possible > - WFDL is XML based and describes directed graphs > - Nodes are WFDL, ord JSDL > - Nodes have labelled input and output > - Mark walks the group along a sample WFDL instance document > - Jay: This example is a dataflow graph, not a workflow graph > -- Mark: Example 2 demonstrates other kinds of dependencies than > data dependencies > - Jay: Dependencies should be expressed as resources produced and > resources consumed > - The group discusses Jays suggestion > - Jay points out that the Workflow effort should be very carefully > evaluated against the current other efforts related to JSDL > - Chris: Defining (yet another) WF language is probably a bad idea > -- This would, among others, add delay > -- Andrew: As pointed out on the slides earlier, picking a > particular WF language or creating one is a matter of "choose your poison". > -- Fabio: We probably should focus first on listing the requirements the > languuage should meet > -- Jay: I believe it is possible to combine this workflow effort with current > efforts for JSDL and Information modelling > - The group discusses possible further steps from here on > - Andrew: After this first initial investigation, does OGSA think that the WF > issue is important enough to set forth a design team now, or postpone for > the moment > - Andrew proposes to set up a separate phone connference with a specific WF agenda > -- Jav and Michel support the idea > - The group discusses the appointment for the next WF call > - Jay proposes to use OGSA's Gridforge wiki to collect people's requirements, > dependencies, favourite existing WF solutions, etc. together to get an overview > on what's necessary and what's not. > -- The group reaches rough consensus to picck up this idea https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14042 4) Wrap up (10 min) AOB <*NEXT CALL*> https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1477 Dec. 18 (Mon) EGA reference model(Hiro Kishimoto and Paul Strong) Roadmap document (Chris Jordan) Jan. 11 (Thu) Information/data modeling (Ellen and Fred) OGSA workflow (Andrew Grimshaw) Jan. 15 (Mon) EGA reference model(Hiro Kishimoto and Paul Strong) DMTF document review (Ellen Stokes) Jan. 18 (Thu) OGSA security (Alan Sill and Andrew Grimshaw) OGSA workflow (Andrew Grimshaw) Jan. 22 (Mon) EGA reference model(Hiro Kishimoto and Paul Strong) Roadmap document (Chris Jordan) Jan. 25 (Thu) OGF19 prep (Tom and Hiro) <*ACTION ITEMS*> https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1569 > From Dec. 11 call AI-1211a: Hiro to check with Takuya for any last minute changes and submit "BP - Secure Channel" for publication AI-1211b: Hiro will arrange for the management software demo session not to conflict with any OGSA session at OGF19 > From Nov. 30 call AI-11.30a: Michel to talk with Tom and Ellen on how to go about documenting his current proof of concept in the Info model Arch doc. > From Nov. 9 pm F2F. AI.11.09.pm-a: Ellen and Tom to write up a "Information Model profile document: BES Container" AI.11.09.pm-c: Andrew to produce a document drafting the definition of QoS AI.11.09.pm-d: Andrew to contact the HPCP WG regarding future involvement to create profile(s) on, e.g. BES, JSDL etc. > From Oct. 30 call. AI-1030a: Ellen will contact the DAIS-WG chairs and request they arrange a review DSP0225 > From Sept. 15 OGSA F2F AI-0915d: Tom will post BP base faults issue to tracker > From Aug. 17 call AI-0817a: Dave Berry and Jay Unger will approach groups (GIN, Globus, etc) that have implemented practical grids and start a discussion on how they handle data: - how data is treated as a resource that can be scheduled - how transfers are modeled - how files are advertised - how applications find files (query, by knowledge,?) (Due Oct. 9) > From July 20 F2F - EGR-WG (Ravi) will contact Geoffrey Fox and invites him to contribute use cases. - Andreas to go through the minutes and formulate a reply mail to Geoffrey on each artifact covered in these minutes. Postponed: Until next reference model call (Dec. 11th): AI-1023c: Tom volunteered to review Hiro's HPC Cluster use case slides and make appropriate changes to indicate where the CIM Profile would fit in and how it would link into the Reference Model. AI-1023d: Paul will add more items to list on slide 6 of the HPC Cluster use case AI-1023g: Hiro will look at other parts of slide 5 and identify further possible refinements of this use case. ---- Hiro Kishimoto
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Hiro Kishimoto