CFP: The Third International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (IAS'07)

FYI - Regards, Frank. --------------------- Call for Papers The Third International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (IAS'07) August 29-31, 2007, Manchester, United Kingdom Overview: Information assurance and security has become an important research issue in networked and distributed information sharing environments. Finding effective ways to protect information systems, networks and sensitive data within the critical information infrastructure is challenging even with the most advanced technology and trained professionals. The International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, developers, and policy makers involved in multiple disciplines of information security and assurance to exchange ideas and to learn the latest development in this important field. Topics: Previously unpublished work offering novel research and application contributions in any aspect of information assurance, security and privacy are solicited for submission to the IAS'07 symposium. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: - Agent and Mobile Code Security - Anonymity and User Privacy - Authentication and Identity Management - Authorization and Access Control - Biometrics Security and Applications - Computer Forensics - Cryptographic Protocols - Data Integrity and Privacy - Database Security - Denial of Service and Intrusion Detection - Distributed System Security - E-Commerce and E-Government Security - Fraud Control - Information Warfare and Cyber-terrorism - Intellectual Property Protection - Internet and Web Services Security - Key Management and Recovery - New Ideas and Paradigms for Security - Operating System Security - Secure Hardware and Smartcards - Secure Software Technologies - Security Education and Training - Security Management and Strategy - Security Models and Architectures - Security Verification, Evaluations and Measurements - Trust Negotiation, Establishment and Management - Ubiquitous Computing Security Paper Submission: Papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical, experimental or application nature, or be unique experience reports. The page limit is 6 pages in IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format with fonts not smaller than 10 points. Each paper should contain up to 5 keywords. Electronic submission in the PDF or Word format is required. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness. Except for invited papers, all papers will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. Conference Proceedings: Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Selected papers presented in the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of an international journal. Best Paper Awards: The IAS'07 Program Committee will select one winner for the Best Paper Award (all regular papers are eligible) and one winner for the Best Student Paper Award (to be eligible, the student must be the sole author of the paper, or the first author and primary contributor. A cover letter to the General Chair/Program Chair must identify the paper as a candidate for this competition at the time of submission). The award winners will each be presented with an award certificate and a direct payment of £200 at the conference, and an invitation to submit an extended version of the award-winning paper for the consideration of publication in an international journal, JIAS. Key Deadlines: Paper Submission Deadline: March 20, 2007 Author Notification: May 20, 2007 Camera Ready Submission Deadline (6 pages): June 20, 2007 Author Registration Deadline: June 20, 2007. Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: February 10, 2007. Workshop Proposal Notification: February 15, 2007. Panel/Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline: April 20, 2007. Proposal Notification: May 20, 2007 Instructions for workshop proposals: IAS'07 invites workshop, panel and tutorial proposals. A workshop proposal should include the following items: (1) Title of the workshop. (2) Scope and Topics. (3) The workshop chair (or co-chairs) with a brief biography. (4) Contact information (email address and phone number). (5) Expected number of attendees. Additional notes for the workshops: - The organisers of a workshop can decide their own paper submission and notification deadlines. - Each workshop should have at least ten papers. - A list of accepted papers (Authors, Titles, Email addresses and Review Results) must be sent to the IAS'07 Program Chair ( by May 20, 2007. - IAS'07 will provide administrative support for workshop room booking, registration, and publication. All papers accepted by the workshops will be published in the IAS'07 proceedings. - All other workshop related matters, such as collect, review and accept papers, should be planned and organised by the workshop organisers, independently of the IAS'07. Workshop organisers should make sure that the papers be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Financial support for workshop chairs: If workshops are constructed successfully (with at least ten papers), their organisers (one organiser per workshop) will get: - Free registration, - Free accommodation (up to 3 nights). Contacts: Further enquiries regarding matters related to IAS'07 can be sent to the Conference Local Organising Chairs: Ms Bryony Quick; or Mr Iain Hart; Email: Tel: +44 (0)161 275 6130 Fax: +44 (0)161 275 6204 -- Frank Siebenlist The Globus Alliance - Argonne National Laboratory
participants (1)
Frank Siebenlist