CALL FOR PARTICIPATION The EuroPKI 2005 Conference will be held in Canterbury, England, 30 June - 1 July 2005. Registration is now open. See http://sec.cs.kent.ac.uk/europki2005/registration.shtml Early registration closes on 1 June, so book now to secure your place. The Keynote Speech will be given by Dr Carlise Adams, and is entitled "PKI: Views from the Dispassionate "I", in which he will present his thoughts on why PKI has been available as an authentication technology for many years now, but has only enjoyed large-scale success in fairly limited contexts to date. He will also present his thoughts on the possible future(s) of this technology, with emphasis on the major factors hindering adoption and some potential directions for future research in these areas. The Programme will have sessions on: authorization, risks/attacks to PKI systems, interoperability between systems, evaluating a CA, ID ring based signatures, new protocols, practical implementations and long term archiving. The full programme can be seen at http://sec.cs.kent.ac.uk/europki2005/programme.shtml The Conference Banquet will take place in the historic Dover Castle and will be preceeded by a trip around the labyrinth of tunnels holding World War Two archives where Winston Churchill did must of his war time planning http://www.plus44.com/heritage/dover/dovercast.htm I look forward to meeting you there David Chadwick