Dear Folks, I have a comment for the charter revision. The OGSA-WG is now defining a document called OGSA Naming Guideline document. In the document, they require a new WG which has "OGSA" in its name to satisfy the three requirements. I think it might be good to discuss it during our charter revision. The three requirements are: 1. documents intended to be produced need to be consistent with the overall architecture as defined by the OGSA requirement document. 2. the WG needs to synchronize its activities with the that of the OGSA-WG and other OGSA related WGs. 3. the works of the WG needs to be built on top of at least one OGSA profile or interface, or can be combined with at least one OGSA profile or interface at the same level. In my opinion, we don't have a big issue to be going to satisfy these requirements, so it might be good to state it in our new charter, as the authorization component is an important part of OGSA architecture. For the synchronization, I can be a liason between the OGSA-Authz-WG and OGSA-WG. Thank you, Takuya From: dane@fnal.gov Subject: [OGSA-AUTHZ] Change in Working Group Chairs Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 19:00:56 -0500 (CDT)
Olle and I would like to announce some followup from the discussions at GGF13 about prospects in the future of this working group. At GGF13, the clear consensus was to wrap up the current documents as documenting this stage (building on SAML 1) so that current implementations can reference a common standard. It's also clear that recent developments in SAML and XACML standards warrant revisiting the OGSA-AuthZ recommendations for another round with the newer specs.
We'd like to thank Von, Rebekah and Andrew for their service as co-Chairs of the working group and the nearing completion of the current charter. We understand that they would like to hand off the Chair position for the next phase. David Chadwick has volunteered to serve as co-Chair and organize a charter revision to work on a next generation. Von Welch has agreed to serve as co-Chair until the current documents complete the publication cycle and until another Chair can be found.
With this mail, we'd like to confirm David's replacement for Rebekah and Andrew, and make a call for volunteers for a second chair for the submission of the revised charter.
Dane and Olle, Security AD's