I think that the enclosed call for papers is of particular interest for this list. Please note that Bruce Schneier has joined Fabio and myself for this special issue. Regards, Theo. ________________________________ CALL FOR PAPERS Security and Communication Networks Journal (Wiley) Special Issue on Security and Trust Management for Dynamic Coalitions Scope There is an increasing interest and deployment of technologies that allow cooperation among entities that may act collectively. These entities may form dynamic coalitions where entities may leave and join, may show mobility aspects (either logical or physical), and may act in a collective manner. Examples of these coalitions can be found in the digital world, including: a) Crowds of users walking on the streets with advanced context aware converged telecommunication devices; b) A group of robots, manned and unmanned vehicles equipped with processors, sensors, smart-phones, etc. interacting with each other, with their environment, and with a command or a control node, such as the command and control site of a defence coalition or a civil traffic control; c) A set of organizations (possibly virtual) sharing some resource for service provisions, or so called Virtual Organisations; d) Collaborative processes that use resources and services offered by partners in a Virtual Organisation; and e) Web 2.0 mash-ups and composite Web Services that are composed of services and applications offered by different service providers over a public network. These dynamic coalitions involve several technologies as peer to peer systems (P2P), mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), and service oriented architectures such as those realised in GRID computing and Web Services Frameworks. There are several research areas identified as follows: a) Security in dynamic coalitions; b) trust in dynamic coalitions; c) security and trust interplay; and 4) secure processes and service composition. Topics of interest This special issue is proposed to cover research results and innovation case studies on security and trust management on dynamic coalitions. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: * Semantics and computational models for security and trust in dynamic coalitions * Context-based security and trust management architectures, mechanisms and policies * Privacy and anonymity issues in trust negotiation * Enforcing cooperation in dynamic coalitions * Reputation and recommendation models and architectures for dynamic coalitions * Usage control models, languages and architectures in dynamic coalitions * Cryptographic models and mechanisms for dynamic coalitions * Security protocols for group management * Security for Service Oriented Architectures and Infrastructures * Collaboration and Virtual Organization life-cycle management in dynamic coalitions * Federated Identity Management in dynamic coalitions * Distributed Access Control and administrative delegation in dynamic coalitions * Policy verification and validation in order to predict the impact of changes to an infrastructure in order to support the life-cycle of a dynamic coalition * QoS monitoring, evaluation and reporting in dynamic coalitions * Auditing in dynamic coalitions * Trust and security in ICT Governance and service management for dynamic coalitions * Security frameworks for dynamic service composition * Security frameworks for Web 2.0 service and application mash-ups * Security and trust adaptation in dynamic coalitions * Information management in dynamic coalitions including research in techniques for self-protecting information sets * Trust and security aspects of Operational Support Systems (OSS) for the converged telecommunications infrastructure that underpins dynamic coalitions Submission Papers must represent high-quality and previously unpublished work. Original research papers are solicited in all areas on security and trust management on dynamic coalitions. All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three experts working in the areas. The guidelines for prospective authors can be found at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/security <https://mail.bt.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=https://mail.bt.com/Exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/security> ). Prospective authors should submit their papers online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/scn <https://mail.bt.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=https://mail.bt.com/Exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/scn> . When submitting the papers, the authors should make sure to choose the Manuscript type as "Special Issue", and enter "Running Head" and "Special Issue title" as "SCN-SI-008" and "Dynamic Coalitions", respectively. Important Dates Manuscript due November 30, 2008 First Review Phase Results March 1, 2009 Final Acceptance Notification July 1, 2009 Camera Ready Manuscript due July 31, 2009 Publication TBD Guest Editors Theo Dimitrakos Head of Security Architectures, Centre for Information & Security Systems Research, BT Group CTO, British Telecommunications plc, UK Fabio Martinelli Institute of Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council, Italy Bruce Schneier Chief Security Technology Officer, British Telecommunications plc, USA