4 Oct
4 Oct
8:55 p.m.
Sorry, I won't be able to make the call. -Frank. Hiro Kishimoto wrote: > Hi all, > > The following is a proposed agenda for OGSA-WG telecon on Oct. 5th > Thursday from 8:30am - 10:30am (CDT). > > Dial-in numbers for Thursday: > Free: +1-888-452-0308 > Intl/Toll: +1-484-644-0505 > PIN: 71815 > See more information: > - https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1477?nav=1 > > Screen share service will be provided. > URL: http://ogsa.glance.net > Session key: 1005 > See more explanation: > https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1584?nav=1 > > 1) Early discussion (20 min) > Note taker assignment > Roll call > Telecon minutes approval (Sept. 28) > - https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc13912?nav=1 > Action Items status review (see the bottom of this email) > Agenda bashing > > 2) OGSA security (David Snelling, 60 min) > - What needs to be done to achieve simple interop > generally and to bootstrap more > - Profile to get authentication information from a > secure channel for authentication > - Profile for other methods to get authentication > informatin for authorization > > 3) Secure Channel Security Profile status (Takuya Mori, 20 min) > > >> Takuya will prepare a new version. Since there are a number of >> unresolved issues the Secure Channel will not go to final call until >> the issues raised during this review are closed. >> >> There is a security discussion scheduled for next Thursday (Oct >> 5). Confirm status at that time. >> > > 4) Wrap up (10 min) > AOB > > <*NEXT CALL*> > https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1477?nav=1 > > Oct. 9 (Mon): EGA reference model, OGSA roadmap > Oct. 12 (Thu): <No call?> > Oct. 16 (Mon): DMTF Workregister > Oct. 19 (Thu): Information/data modeling, > Security, secure channel profile review > Oct. 23 (Mon): EGA reference model, OGSA roadmap > Oct. 26 (Thu): Information/data modeling > Oct. 30 (Mon): <TBD> > > <*ACTION ITEMS*> > https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1569?nav=1 > > > From Sept. 28 call. > > AI-0928a: Takuya will issue a final call on BSP-Core on the list. > AI-0928b: Takuya will get another opinion on TLS 1.1 and > ciphersuites (probably ask Frank Siebenlist) > AI-0928c: Andreas will propose new text for the reference to the > NIST document to make it clearer that it is an informative > statement > > > From Sept. 25 call. > AI-0925a: Hiro to setup wiki page with names of people who have > expressed interest in the security team > AI-0925b: Jem to pull definitions together and produce a new > merged first draft. > - Send a mail to the ogsa list about this work > - Set Oct. 9 as the target for the first Glossary draft > AI-0925c: Hiro to ask Alan Clark to ask EGA TC member who want to > contribute to join the OGSA list and this convergence work. - > Members may have changed but organizations have not > AI-0925g: Tom will send a note to the list (to: Ellen S and Fred M) > on why the current separation of service/info model may > not be quite right. > > > From Sept. 21 call. > AI-0921b: Security members to discuss the BoF proposal(s) further > - For example, one outcome could be some standards > activity to mirror CAOPS activities and tie-in to OGSA > AI-0921d: Dave S to collect additional material in order to identify > security issues better. > - (AI-0921e is an issue instance) > AI-0921i: Dave S to provide an agenda for the next security call. > - Draft agenda items for Oct. 5th: > - What needs to be done to achieve simple interop > generally and to bootstrap more > - Profile to get authentication information from a > secure channel for authentication > - Profile for other methods to get authentication > informatin for authorization > > > From Sept. 15 OGSA F2F > AI-0915a: (A Savva, S McGough): Set up a telephone conference to > collect workflow (BPEL) experience > AI-0915b: Ellen to check the status of the items on the > DMTF work register: report which have been done, and what > DMTF is doing for the rest. (by Oct. 13) > AI-0915c: Ellen to propose new text to update the DMTF register > (by Oct. 13) > AI-0915d: Tom will post BP base faults issue to tracker > AI-0915e: Hiro to talk with OGF Editor to start an errata process > > > From Sept. 14 OGSA F2F > AI-0914f (Fred Brisard and Hiro Kishimoto): Fix the location of the > next F2F and inform the group vial the mailing list > > > From Aug. 17 call > AI-0817a: Dave Berry and Jay Unger will approach groups (GIN, > Globus, etc) that have implemented practical grids and > start a discussion on how they handle data: > - how data is treated as a resource that can be scheduled > - how transfers are modeled > - how files are advertised > - how applications find files (query, by knowledge,?) > (Due Oct. 9) > > > From Aug. 3 call > AI-0803e: Jun will provide an example of the CDL mechanism and why > using ID/IDREF is not a good idea. > AI-0803f: Jun will update the CDL document to remove the Environment > variables > > > From July 20 F2F > - EGR-WG (Ravi) will contact Geoffrey Fox and invites him to > contribute use cases. > - Andreas to go through the minutes and formulate a reply mail to > Geoffrey on each artifact covered in these minutes. > > Postponed: > Until next EMS call. > AI-0914a (Andreas Savva): Integrate the simple Data scenario just > presented into the scenarios document > AI-0913a: Andreas to update function names of BES. > AI-0913b: Andrew to write-up a couple of such JM functionalities > (short paragraph for each, e.g. time constraint as JSDL > extension.) > AI-0913c: Andreas to add another scenario to use this “terminate” > method of activity interface. > AI-0913e: Andreas to separate un-deployment as a separate scenario. > AI-0913f: Andreas to describe relation between ACS and CDDLM. > AI-0913g: Donal to provide his proposal on > "ActivityExecutionCandidate." > AI-0831e: (A Savva) Talk to ACS working group for refining this > scenario. > AI-0831f: (A Savvva) Research RNS and probably update the EMS Arch > Scenarios document > > AI-0921c: Dave S (as Standards VP) to talk to the next > Security AD (when one is selected) about the Security Area > task list. > ---- > Hiro Kishimoto > > -- > ogsa-authz-wg mailing list > ogsa-authz-wg@ogf.org > http://www.ogf.org/mailman/listinfo/ogsa-authz-wg > > -- Frank Siebenlist franks@mcs.anl.gov The Globus Alliance - Argonne National Laboratory