Alan I dont think your use case disagrees with what I am suggesting, which is on every v-p-i the user says which attribute is to be primary one (or not) regards David Alan Sill wrote:
On Oct 31, 2006, at 3:59 PM, David Chadwick wrote:
Why cant it? I thought the ACs were created on demand for the user and were different for different grid jobs. In which case, when the VOMS server creates the AC for the particular job, it puts the two attributes (primary and all) inside the one AC.
They're different for every voms-proxy-init, which is basically a grid-proxy-init step that contacts a VOMS server. Thus they will be different for every issuance of v-p-i but may be the same across jobs.
A typical use case might be that the user wants to submit to a given VO's resources, does a v-p-i with argument -voms (VO VOMS server) including possibly the assertion of group membership or role, does the submissions, which could be a large number. May use that VOMS proxy for an extended period of time for multiple operations. Up[on wanting to switch to a different VO or a different group or role within the VO, does a new voms-proxy-init and gets a new proxy. repeat as necessary.
VOMS proxy certs can be extended, destroyed, etc. just as grid proxies.
Alan Sill, Ph.D TIGRE Senior Scientist High Performance Computing Center TTU
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