Hi Valerio this probably means we need a short paragraph in the Attributes Exchange profile with a pointer to the XACML profile, along with some additional words of explanation. regards David Valerio Venturi wrote:
Hi Tom
we have already thought of this, and documented in the XACML profile how the various components of a VOMS FQAN are mapped into XACML attributes But Tom needs SAML's. Anyway, since VOMS will be releasing SAML attributes, and they'll very likely be according to the XACML Attribute
On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 12:58 +0000, David Chadwick wrote: profile, we'll have a way to translate them to XACLM Attribute, that is according to the SAML Profile for XACML. That will sort auhtZ services out too.
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