Dear All please find attached the final draft version of the WS-Trust SAML profile for accessing a credential validation service. This is now ready for public comment if Greg would be so kind as to progress it. This protocol profile is the last document in our current series, and marks the final deliverable of the OGSA Authz WG. Since grid forge seems to be almost permanently unavailable, I am taking the liberty of emailing the document to the list and the OGF editor so that you have it now for review. I will insert it into grid forge once a reliable service has been resumed. If the OGF editor, Greg, can put this document on public review ASAP, to join the other docs that are currently there, this will allow everyone to have a complete set of Authz specifications for review at the same time. If you have any comments on any of any of the drafts please send them to the list for resolution regards David ***************************************************************** David W. Chadwick, BSc PhD Professor of Information Systems Security The Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF Skype Name: davidwchadwick Tel: +44 1227 82 3221 Fax +44 1227 762 811 Mobile: +44 77 96 44 7184 Email: Home Page: Research Web site: Entrust key validation string: MLJ9-DU5T-HV8J PGP Key ID is 0xBC238DE5 *****************************************************************