Dear David, I won't be able to attend the telecon today. Since there where some pending issues from the discussione we had in Washington, I'm sending you an update. Attribute Authority Interface We've red the OASIS draft that we were pointed to in Washington OGF by Tom Scavo and found it good and detailed. It's pretty much like what we were thinking about, so we dont' think there's need for producing another doc which won't add much. We'll contact Tom with some concerns we have. VOMS first attribute Frank Siebenlist asked whether it would be possible to add a tag to mark the first of VOMS attributes (both in the context of Attribute Certificates and SAML Assertions) since it had a special semantic. Actually, it is the order of the attributes that is meaningfull in VOMS, not only the first. The voms client indeed have a mean of specyfing the entire order in which attributes appear. In the context of AC, this is not a problem since you can specify order in a ASN.1 SEQUENCE. It is in the context of a SAML Assertion, since despite the fact that most of the parser will return the child elements of AttributeStatement as they appear in the doc, this is not mandatoiry. So we are thinking about how to retain the same behaviour using SAML Assertion. State I don't have progress to report on this matter. Last month we were very busy. My plan is still to circulate some use case to the list, and I hope I can do it soon, but I'm not able to tell now how soon. Valerio On Mon, 2006-10-16 at 13:17 +0100, David Chadwick wrote:
Hi Yuri
thanks for reminding me. I have uploaded the CVS requirements now, and will do the functional components next
Yuri Demchenko wrote:
Hi David,
Apologies for asking, but are updated documents available somewhere.
Can you specify issues that we will discuss at the telecon? I beleive we will have enough topics to discuss.
David Chadwick wrote:
Dear All
the next teleconference is scheduled for Monday 16 October at the following times 7:00 US West Coast 10:00 US East Coast 15:00 UK 16:00 Europe 23:00 Japan
Frank S circulated a set of numbers to be used in his last email message
of 13 Sept. They are
Skype number is <skype:+99008275780044>
If you want to use a regular phone in the US, call *#1-712-432-4000
Conference Room Number: *5780044*
It seems they have the following alternative "local" regular phone call-in numbers available for some European countries: Austria 0820 400 01562 Belgium 0703 59 984 France 0826 100 266 Germany 01805 00 7620 UK 0870 119 2350
I suggest the following provisional agenda
1. Discussion of updated CVS Requirements document (to be circulated soon) 2. Discussion of revised Authorisation Functional components doc (to be circulated soon) 3. Update on suggested changes to VOMS attribute profile 4. Update on documentation of GT4 interfaces 4. Any other topics?
Once we can get reasonable agreements on 1 and 2 above, I would then like to move onto discussing protocols between the various authorisation
components. But I suggest that this will be at the next telecon after this one. If you have any comments on the above prior to the telecom, please circulate the list regards