It is the EUGrid PMA meeting, but I will pull away from that to dial into this one. With regard to AI-0921b, I have polled several members of the existing CAOps and Shibboleth communities, and gotten positive responses generally to the idea of an OGSA-AuthN WG and to a BOF at the next OGF (GGF) conference to bring this work together to write a charter. Some members of the OGSA-AuthZ group who overlap have also responded favorably. I have not received any negative responses. Best, Alan On Oct 3, 2006, at 11:22 PM, Hiro Kishimoto wrote:
OGSA-WG telecon on Oct. 5th Thursday from 8:30am - 10:30am (CDT)
Alan Sill TIGRE Senior Scientist High Performance Computing Center TTU ==================================================================== : Alan Sill, Texas Tech University Office: Admin 233, MS 4-1167 : : e-mail: Alan.Sill@ttu.edu ph. 806-742-4350 fax 806-742-4358 : ====================================================================