20 Sep
20 Sep
1:41 a.m.
Hi all, The following is a proposed agenda for OGSA-WG telecon on Sept. 21st. Thursday from 8:30am - 10:30am (CDT). Dial-in numbers for Thursday: Free: +1-888-452-0308 Intl/Toll: +1-484-644-0505 PIN: 71815 Screen share service will be provided. URL: http://ogsa.glance.net Session key: 0921 See more explanation: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1584?nav=1 1) Early discussion (20 min) Note taker assignment Roll call Telecon minutes approval (Sept. 7) https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc13796?nav=1 Action Items status review (see the bottom of this email) Agenda bashing 2) GGF18 and F2F meeting debriefing (20 min) Feedback and impression on GGF18 sessions and F2F. Minutes approval https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/docman/do/listDocuments/projects.ogsa-wg/docman.root.meeting_materials_and_minutes.ggf_meetings.ggf18 If you have not yet upload your materials, please do so before the call. 3) OGSA security (David Snelling, 80 min) 3-1) Formalities 3-2) Existing Technologies Summary X.509 X.509, with proxy extension SAML Specific SAML profiles of interest. XACML .... 3-3) Overview of Security Area activity FI-RG OGSA-AuthZ-WG TC-RG 3-4) Initial short list of minimal use cases OGSA Base security profile summary OGSA secure channel for authorization SAML based point to point authorization Delegation? 3-5) Security Profile status update (Takuya) 3-6) Other?? 4) Wrap up (10 min) AOB <*NEXT CALL*> https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1477?nav=1 Sept. 25 (Mon): EGA reference model, OGSA roadmap Sept. 28 (Thu): TBD Oct. 2 (Mon): Information/data modeling Oct. 5 (Thu): Security Oct. 9 (Mon): EGA reference model, OGSA roadmap <*ACTION ITEMS*> https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1569?nav=1 > From GGF18 EGA session (Sept. 12) AI-0912a: Hiro to set up an initial group of people to start a discussion within OGSA. Identify what should be done. - Dave Snelling, Andrew Grimshaw, Tom Maguire - Paul Strong, Alan Clark, Bob Thome > From GGF18 EMS session (Sept. 13) AI-0913a: Andreas to update function names of BES. AI-0913b: Andrew to write-up a couple of such JM functionalities (short paragraph for each, e.g. time constraint as JSDL extension.) AI-0913c: Andreas to add another scenario to use this “terminate” method of activity interface. AI-0913d: Andrew to propose clarification on this issue in BES specification. AI-0913e: Andreas to separate un-deployment as a separate scenario. AI-0913f: Andreas to describe relation between ACS and CDDLM. AI-0913g: Donal to provide his proposal. > From Sept. 14 OGSA F2F AI-0914a (Andreas Savva): Integrate the simple Data scenario just presented into the scenarios document AI-0914b (D Snelling, D Merrill): Set up an OGSA Security design team AI-0914c (E Stokes): Send a mail to the BES mailing list requesting re-examination of the BES spec appendix regarding the Information Model relationship AI-0914d (A Grimshaw): Propose new text for the said appendix; arrange telecon woth interested parties to mediate the conflicting interests AI-0914e (A Grimshaw): Initiate and ramp up the interop fest activities AI-0914f (H Kishimoto): Fix the location of the next F2F and inform the group vial the mailing list > From Sept. 15 OGSA F2F AI-0915a (A Savva, S McGough): Set up a telephone conference to collect workflow experience > From Sept. 7 call AI-0907a: Hiro to add Chris Jordan to the list of people attending the F2F at the IBM facility. AI-0907b: Takuya will search for an external reliable source of strong (or deprecated) ciphers to reference. AI-0907c: Andreas will revise the explanatory text and send the new version to Takuya. AI-0907d: Takuya will update the documents and issue a final call on the list. (Probably during GGF18.) AI-0907e: Hiro to send an email to Greg requesting that the 'obsoletes' information be added to the document template. AI-0907f: Hiro to add an agenda item for the F2F to discuss a revision of statement R0711. > From Aug. 31 call AI-0831c: (A Savva) Update/rewrite secction 4.1 of the EMS Architecture scenarios AI-0831d: (A Savva) Add the Application Version in section 4.2, paragraph 4, of the EMS Arch Scenarios AI-0831e: (A Savva) Talk to ACS working group for refining this scenario. AI-0831f: (A Savvva) Research RNS and probably update the EMS Arch Scenarios document AI-0831g: (A Savva) List of open issues, scenarios and refinements for the EMS Arch Scenarios document AI-0831h: (M Morgan, A Grimshaw) Provide an outline sequence how BES, ByteIO, RNS, etc. are combined together at University of Virginia > From Aug. 28 call Action AI-0828a: Frank will do more investigation, read the paper, and make a proposal. > From Aug. 17 call AI-0817a: Dave Berry and Jay Unger will approach groups (GIN, Globus, etc) that have implemented practical grids and start a discussion on how they handle data: - how data is treated as a resource that can be scheduled - how transfers are modeled - how files are advertised - how applications find files (query, by knowledge,?) (Postponed until GGF18) > From Aug. 10 call AI-0810a: Donal to look into the relation of the EPS and CDL (retrieval, update, etc). (Eventually this should probably become a separate scenario.) > From Aug. 3 call AI-0803e: Jun will provide an example of the CDL mechanism and why using ID/IDREF is not a good idea. AI-0803f: Jun will update the CDL document to remove the Environment variables > From July 20 F2F - EGR-WG (Ravi) will contact Geoffrey Fox and invites him to contribute use cases. - Andreas to go through the minutes and formulate a reply mail to Geoffrey on each artifact covered in these minutes. <postponed> - Steve McGough & Andreas to do a mapping from the current JSDL elements / terminology into the new information model structure (Proposed split into Description and Requirements) (from July 18th F2F, By GGF18 as original discussed.) ---- Hiro Kishimoto