Discussion among participants and potential participants has indicated a desire to proceed directly to a launch of the OGSA-AuthN working group rather than proceed through a BOF. Most people who would participate or be affected have up to now been involved in related efforts and would be able to come up to speed fairly quickly in this effort. Here are the elements of a charter, or potential charter, for this group that I have identified: 1) Review existing security profiles resulting from previous efforts of the Security area and security design group from the OGSA-WG effort a) Compare them to existing technology and best practices in the community and check for consistency of coverage b) Document authentication profiles that may be missing or incomplete b) Review mature and maturing technologies likely to affect the above best practices for grid services 2) Provide an AuthN development roadmap to compare with the overall OGSA roadmap 3) Spawn any subgroups and/or suggest associated research groups that may be necessary for consistent development in this area. The charter can be developed from the above skeleton, and the basics agreed to before the first session at OGF-19 in North Carolina. It is explicitly a part of the charter for this group to work in a symmetrical manner with any OGSA-AuthZ work that may be needed for consistency in grid services. Comments welcome. Alan Alan Sill TIGRE Senior Scientist High Performance Computing Center TTU ==================================================================== : Alan Sill, Texas Tech University Office: Admin 233, MS 4-1167 : : e-mail: Alan.Sill@ttu.edu ph. 806-742-4350 fax 806-742-4358 : ====================================================================