Hi, I've uploaded the revised documents to GridForge. the URLs are: - Basic Security Profile 1.0 - Core: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/docman/do/downloadDocument/projects.ogsa-wg/d... - Basic Security Profile 1.0 - Secure Channel: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/docman/do/downloadDocument/projects.ogsa-wg/d... Thanks, Takuya ---- Takuya Mori moritaku@bx.jp.nec.com / tk-mori@isd.nec.co.jp System Platform Software Development Division NEC Corporation, Tokyo Japan
3) Basic Security Profile PC review (Takuya, 30 min) Takuya brings text proposal for the following PCs.
Reviewed public comments and Takuya's proposed replies 1. Add text explaining that the Secure Channel profile is not required by all ogsa services. The introduction is probably a good place for this. 2. [Basic-Security-Profile] usage. The term is defined in the document. Takuya to check whether such special terms are used consistently and that they stand out. Refer to the WSRF BP for a similar example. 3. Ciphersuites: Agreed that it important to list acceptable ciphers. - As a first step Takuya will list up available ones (from the WS-I BSP); select the ones that are in common use; and then select the ones that are considered sufficiently safe. - Review the list at the next BSP teleconf 4. Multiple keys in keyinfo field? - Takuya to talk to Von in order to understand the use case for multiple keys; and will propose a resolution at the next BSP teleconf.