8 Aug
8 Aug
1:36 p.m.
Hi all, The following is a proposed agenda for OGSA-WG telecon on Aug. 10th Thursday from 8:30am - 10:30am (CDT). Dial-in numbers for Thursday: Free: +1-888-452-0308 Intl/Toll: +1-484-644-0505 PIN: 71815 Screen share service will be provided. URL: http://ogsa.glance.net Session key: 0810 See more explanation: http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2004/06/msg00077.html 1) Early discussion (20 min) Note taker assignment Roll call Telecon minutes approval (Aug. 3rd) - https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc13718?nav=1 Action Items status review (see the bottom of this email) Agenda bashing 2) OGSA authorization call-out proposal review (Frank, 20 min) > - Frank is now consulting with people in GGF (David Chadwick, Von > Welch) on whether his approach can be defined within the AuthZ > group. If there is no agreement then he will accept the XACML > group's decision. 3) Basic Security Profile PC review (Takuya, 30 min) Takuya brings text proposal for the following PCs. >> Reviewed public comments and Takuya's proposed replies >> 1. Add text explaining that the Secure Channel profile is not >> required by all ogsa services. The introduction is probably a >> good place for this. >> 2. [Basic-Security-Profile] usage. The term is defined in the >> document. Takuya to check whether such special terms are used >> consistently and that they stand out. Refer to the WSRF BP for a >> similar example. >> 3. Ciphersuites: Agreed that it important to list acceptable >> ciphers. >> - As a first step Takuya will list up available ones (from the >> WS-I BSP); select the ones that are in common use; and then >> select the ones that are considered sufficiently safe. >> - Review the list at the next BSP teleconf >> 4. Multiple keys in keyinfo field? >> - Takuya to talk to Von in order to understand the use case for >> multiple keys; and will propose a resolution at the next BSP >> teleconf. 4) EMS scenarios (Andreas and Steven, 30 minutes) Andreas will send out revised version before the call. 5) Wrap up (10 min) AOB <*NEXT CALL*> Aug. 14 (Mon): Roadmap (Chris) Aug. 17 (Thu): Info/data model (Ellen and Fred), EMS and data joint scenarios (Allen and Steven) Aug. 21 (Mon): Aug. 24 (Thu): CDDLM joint (Jun, Dejan, and Hiro) Aug. 28 (Mon): Security (Takuya and Frank) Aug. 31 (Thu): EMS scenarios (Andreas and Steven) Sept. 4 (Mon): No call (Labor Day) Sept. 7 (Thu): Roadmap (Chris), GGF18 prep (Tom and Hiro) Telecon schedule: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/telecon_schedule/ <*ACTION ITEMS*> > From Aug. 3 call AI-0803a: Hiro to look into an option for a second EMS/Data call on Sep 7. Tentative; needs confirmation with likely participants. AI-0803c: Ellen to book the IBM facility on Thursday afternoon AI-0803d: Hiro to divide GGF18 B2B F2F survey into three periods: Thursday afternoon, Friday morning and afternoon. AI-0803e: Jun will provide an example of the CDL mechanism and why using ID/IDREF is not a good idea. AI-0803f: Jun will update the CDL document to remove the Environment variables > From July 20 F2F - Andreas and Hiro to revise the EMS scenario document (i.e. examples) so that proposal 2 is fulfilled + Andreas will merge Hiro's updates into the next draft - EGR-WG (Ravi) will contact Geoffrey Fox and invites him to contribute use cases. - Andreas to go through the minutes and formulate a reply mail to Geoffrey on each artifact covered in these minutes. <postponed> - Steve McGough & Andreas to do a mapping from the current JSDL elements / terminology into the new information model structure (Proposed split into Description and Requirements) (from July 18th F2F, postpone until Aug. 17) -- Hiro Kishimoto