Dane, Responses inline below. Latest version of the document is now at the first URL below. I believe this document is now ready to proceed along with the attribute document at the second URL. https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewProperties.php?group_id=119&category_id=450&document_content_id=3292 https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewProperties.php?group_id=119&category_id=451&document_content_id=2818 Von Dane Skow writes (17:20 January 14, 2005):
I agree with your responses and close all my comments save the following items :
On Jan 12, 2005, at 5:48 PM, Von Welch wrote:
*** Editorial comments ***
The "ogsa-saml" XML namespace isn't at the URI listed. Is this a chicken and the egg problem or a problem with the website ? (there are others as well inside the doc)
URI are not URLs. They do not necessarily resolve. In this case the URI is purely a unique identifier (like an OID).
I'm confused: doesn't the namespace document need to be publicly available ? If it's not available by resolving the URI, where should it be ?
It's not a namespace document. It's a namespace identifier. All this URI does is uniquely scope the names that follow, it happens to look like a URL, but that is where the resemblance ends. Think of a URI as equivalent to an OID, but it leverages DNS namespaces such that there doesn't have to be a top-level registry.
Anyway, my main concern was whether we'd uncovered a problem with the GGF webpages missing some documents that should be there now.
Section 7, paragraph 1, sentence 2, should read "... used to meet OGSA requirements ..." (transposition)
I'm staring at the sentence and it seems to read what you already suggest.
In the copy I'm looking at, it says "OSGA" not "OGSA".