Thanks for this Tom. I will address it in my review of comments. You should note that when <SubjectAttributeReferenceAdvice> was invented for GF.66, there was nothing comparable that we could use so we had to invent our own data structure. regards David Tom Scavo wrote:
I previously made some comments re <SubjectAttributeReferenceAdvice> in section 6 of the document "Use of WS-TRUST and SAML to access a CVS." I will further note that most of my comments are addressed by considering the standard <samlp:IDPList> element in lieu of the proprietary <SubjectAttributeReferenceAdvice>. By using <samlp:IDPList>, section 6 is greatly simplified, I think.
On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Tom Scavo <trscavo@gmail.com> wrote:
I've attached some comments to the document entitled "Use of WS-TRUST and SAML to access a CVS" (GWD-R-P), which I believe is still in its Public Review period. I embedded the comments directly into the Word doc, which I hope is okay.
Tom Scavo NCSA
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