I am putting the document "Use of SAML for OGSA Authorization" into working group last call. Please send any comments to the group list by January 10th. As discussed at GGF12, I have taken the May 14th version (prior to the Obligations work) made the changes indicated at the end of the email. The resulting document is dated December 14th and can be found in Grid Forge, or directly using the URL appended below. I understand that at least one group member wanted to get Obligations into this document, but I believe this document captures a vital snapshot of implementations in its own right and should be move forward. It can be followed by another version with Obligations. Those feeling strongly about this are encouraged to indicated to the working group as part of the Last Call process. I expect to follow this with a Last Call on the Attributes document shortly. Von Word version: https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewProperties.php?group_id=119&category_id=450&document_content_id=3227 PDF version: https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewProperties.php?group_id=119&category_id=450&document_content_id=3228 Changes from May, 2004 to December, 2004 version: * Added Appendix C giving an example of how GT4 creates URIs from WS-Addressing elements. * Marked Recipient field in 5.1 as depreciated since it is insufficient to stop replay attacks.