Hi all, the SAML AuthZ Service document in section 6.1 requires us to use the Web Services Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile to encode certificate paths. I have been keeping my eyes open for an implementation of this standard for the last few months with no success. Do any of you know of an implementation or are working on one? (e.g. for the delegation service?) Do you have other implementations/ standards to encode certificate paths via XML? Btw, the reference to this standard in the document needs updating, the standard was finalized in the Spring of 2004, it is no longer a draft. - There is an old "Editor's note" in section 6.1.2 SubjectConfirmation Element from Von that can also be taken out. Maybe this can be fixed before its submitted to the editor (otherwise I'll repost in public comment) Thanks Markus ---------------------------------------------------------------- Markus Lorch Department of Computer Science Phone: +1 540 231 5914 Virginia Tech, m/c 106 Fax: +1 540 231 6075 Blacksburg, VA 24061, U.S.A. http://people.cs.vt.edu/~mlorch