I agree. Not saying that is the most flexible (or desired) architecture, just saying that is how it works now. In essence, the user decides that attributes he/she wants to assert on a given transaction. Whether or not v-p-i is the most elegant way to achieve this, it does achieve it and it works. Alan On Nov 1, 2006, at 10:02 AM, David Chadwick wrote:
I dont think your use case disagrees with what I am suggesting, which is on every v-p-i the user says which attribute is to be primary one (or not)
Alan Sill, Ph.D TIGRE Senior Scientist High Performance Computing Center TTU ==================================================================== : Alan Sill, Texas Tech University Office: Admin 233, MS 4-1167 : : e-mail: Alan.Sill@ttu.edu ph. 806-742-4350 fax 806-742-4358 : ====================================================================