Olle, I thought the Authorization service document was in your/Dane's hands to pass to the editor. Maybe I am misremembering the process and I'm supposed to submit it? In any case there is the requested tweak from the OGSA-WG from my email yesterday now, so maybe its best it hasn't progressed. The requirements document is actually the following document, which is an informational document that was created when we split the authz svc and atribbutes documents. It should progress as well. https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewCategory.php? group_id=119&category_id=449 The attributes document is in public comment:
The OGSA Attributes document is now in public comment so people are encouraged to read and comment on that as well. http://www.ggf.org/Public_Comment_Docs/Documents/July-2005/draft- ggf-OGSA-authorization-attributes-june-05.pdf
Von On Aug 16, 2005, at 4:39 AM, Olle Mulmo wrote:
With a 2-year celebration of this WG and the recent recharter, I would like to look back and see that we haven't left too much unfinished business behind, or that something is not forgotten. Could you please comment on current document status for this WG?
I noticed that the attributes document refers to the "OGSA Authorization Requirements" doc. I guess that should read GFD.38 (the work done by authz-wg)?
In addition, from what I can tell the first version of the SAML callout spec haven't hit the editor yet. I had the impression that was about to happen "any day now" -- or are you skipping this and shooting for the SAMLv2 version of the document immediately?
Cleaning-ladily yours,