Dear All two new RA posts have just been advertised at the University of Kent, working in my research group. They are in the range £23002 - £26666 and £28289 - £40335. This will be working on the newly started 4 year EC 7FW IP called TAS3. (see TAS3 (Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services) is an Integrated Project that will develop and implement a policy based security architecture containing trusted services and reputation systems in order to manage and process distributed personal information such as medical records and e-portfolios. The adverts can be found at,4858255676&key=956186&c=4547231523&pagestamp=seieebomlzpvenbsci and,4562584559&key=956186&c=4547231523&pagestamp=sewrxwsyyhdalhxqun regards David ***************************************************************** David W. Chadwick, BSc PhD Professor of Information Systems Security The Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF Skype Name: davidwchadwick Tel: +44 1227 82 3221 Fax +44 1227 762 811 Mobile: +44 77 96 44 7184 Email: Home Page: Research Web site: Entrust key validation string: MLJ9-DU5T-HV8J PGP Key ID is 0xBC238DE5 *****************************************************************