Here are the brief notes I made from today's telcon. 
Dave Berry
Deputy Director, Research & E-infrastructure Development
National e-Science Centre, 15 South College Street
Edinburgh, EH8 9AA                  +44 131 651 4039
OGF20 Industry telcon, 18th October 2006.
Dave Berry, NeSC
William Fellows, 451 Group
Steve Caughey, Arjuna
Bob Cohen, ESI
Paul Strong, Ebay
Craig Lee, OGF
Jim Austin, York
Douglas McKinley, Metaware
Hannelore Hammerle, CERN
Brooklin Gore, Micron
Gwen Nichols-Wight, OGF
John Brooke, Manchester

Paul waiting for feedback from Amazon.
We intend to market the programme via many routes: BCS, NCC, regional agencies, national press, own contacts, ...
Douglas commented that a lot of people attended the EGEE business track out of curiosity. 
They also wanted discussion of their key questions - e.g. privacy in the pharma sector.
We should address the paths for adoption.  What specific piece of functionality can be adopted to test the technology?  e.g. flexible scheduling between machines in their own domain.
Past GGFs have accessed user groups in (e.g.) Pharma, EDA, to identify what there key issues are.  This work will continue.  We hope that people contributing to these sessions can also give talks about use cases too.  We should schedule talks about the benefits of Grid early on (e.g. Day 1) with more detailed discussion of issues later (Day 2?)
Paul Strong offered to give a talk on "Your data centre is already a Grid".  Including why
standards matter and which tools to use.
We have many Grid users in Europe we can bring into play, particularly in Engineering, Finance & Pharma.  These tend to be in more specialised parts of the company; we need sessions that cover specialised Grids and general Grids.
- Draft a "straw man" outline programme.
- Discuss co-operation with the requirements capture activity.
- Suggest possible speakers.