As promised at our
OGF22 meeting, I have established a new email list called ogf-affiliates.
My hope is that we can use this list to announce important activities in our
respective communities and activate the two-way channel of communicate that the
affiliate program is intended to facilitate.
I enjoyed our
conversation in Cambridge and was glad to get updates from each of your on
important activities in each organization. I look forward to future
discussions, whether they be electronic or face to face.
I have two orders of
business. First, I want to make sure that any other appropriate
individuals from your organizations are subscribed to this list.
Currently, I just have one party from each organization, so if there are others
whom you believe should be on this list, send their email addresses to me and I
will add them. Second, as promised, I wanted to solicit your support for
the recently launched, OGF Thought Leadership Series ( Let me take a few
moments to introduce you to the series, what is intended to be, and why it is
important for you to consider participating.
As you are already
aware, OGF is a global community. Individuals repeatedly tell me, via
conversation or in surveys, that the primary value of OGF is the networking that
occurs within our community. I'm sure most of you have experienced this
personally, but not everyone has the funding or the ability to attend OGF events
to experience this first hand. Contact with thought leaders and grid
experts is something that we want to encourage at our events, but also make
available virtually in various ways. One way to extend this contact to the
broader virtual community is through this Thought Leadership Series (TLS).
The TLS, simply put, is a collection of perspectives from people at all levels
of the community (leadership, in the trenches, and everywhere in between) that
should be considered, and perhaps even argued, in the broader community. A
good example of this was the reprint of Ian's blog on grids and clouds.
Ian's perspective that clouds are really grids in slightly different clothing is
one that OGF believes should be considered and debated within our
community. As an extention of the TLS postings, we've also included a
discussion mechanism where people can present contrary perspectives or agree
whole-heartedly. So, in summary, we hope the TLS to become a meeting place
to discuss interesting and even controversial topics about grids. The
success of the TLS will depend on the content we post, how well we engage
readers, and how much discussion occurs over the posted
Here's where you all
come in. We are extending invitations on a regular basis to people in
the community that we believe could provide good, thought-provoking
content. I know that each of you know of people in your community that
could contribute something as simple as Ian's blog entry or other content that
presents a perspective that would be interesting to the community. I
invite you to not only solicit content from your communities, but also encourage
your community to read the TLS content and engage in the dialog. Everyone
in our community is busy, so I do not expect 100% participation, but the broader
we cast the net, the more fish we may catch. So, spread your net broadly
and let's see what happens.
I think it is
important for you to understand twotypes of content we are NOT looking
for. First, we are not looking for long, technically-heavy, academic
papers. We want simple, straight-forward perspectives that are easy to
read and digest. Second, we are not looking for pure marketing
presentations. While I'm not suggesting products cannot be discussed, we
do not want this to become a marketing channel for organizations pushing their
By way of process,
there is a submission link on the URL above or you may simply email submissions
to Our
current "review team" is the Management Steering Committee including Professor
Geoffrey Fox (Indiana University), Robert Fogel (Intel), Chris Smith (Platform
Computing), Craig Lee (OGF President), and myself.
Let me know if there
is any thing more I can do and I look forward to more interaction on this new
email list.
Steve Crumb
Executive Director, Open Grid
+1 312-895-5931 (office)
+1 630-915-3324